
Git Realm. A different approach to branch naming.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


git-realm is a Git plugin written mainly for fast and/or creative development.


Make sure you have Cracklib packages installed. If not run the following:

# / Debian based systems - Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc.
~$ sudo apt-get install libcrack2

# / openSUSE (may not be required)
~$ sudo zypper install cracklib


1/ Clone this repo into your usual location.
2/ Symlink git-realm to /usr/local/bin/ (or a different directory in $PATH env. variable)
3/ Try git realm help and if it works, profit!


git-realm can be configured with Git config:

  • realm.separator (default: -) Separator character between "realm" and realm name - ie. "realm-decent-stray" or "realm/gastro-tour"
  • realm.commonBranch (default: master) Common Git branch - could be main, some prefers master, others production.
  • realm.unpackPath (default: /tmp/cracklib_pw.dict) Where should be saved output of cracklib-unpacker - openSUSE only



 ~/realm-test@master$ git realm list

Entering realms

1/ The easy way
New realm is entered from HEAD.

 ~/realm-test@realm-base-one % git realm enter
Creating a new realm called 'matrices-gaucherie'...
Switched to a new branch 'realm-matrices-gaucherie'
 ~/realm-test@realm-matrices-gaucherie %

# * bb52534 (HEAD -> realm-matrices-gaucherie, realm-base-one) feat: Add hello.sh
# * 1d483b6 chore: Update README.md
# * 1d59365 (master) feat: Add README.md

2/ From common branch

 ~/realm-test@realm-base-one % git realm enter -c
Going to checkout from master branch.
Creating a new realm called 'krause-propounded'...
Switched to a new branch 'realm-krause-propounded'
 ~/realm-test@realm-krause-propounded %

# * bb52534 (realm-base-one) feat: Add hello.sh
# * 1d483b6 chore: Update README.md
# * 1d59365 (HEAD -> realm-krause-propounded, master) feat: Add README.md

3/ With a custom name

 ~/realm-test@master % git realm enter BAU-30000
Creating a new realm called 'BAU-30000'...
Switched to a new branch 'realm-BAU-30000'
 ~/realm-test@realm-BAU-30000 %

Rewording entered realm

1/ New random name

 ~/realm-test@realm-BAU-30000 % git realm reword
Rewording to 'restrictively-melina'...
 ~/realm-test@realm-restrictively-melina %

2/ Specific name

 ~/realm-test@realm-restrictively-melina % git realm reword GRLM-4
Rewording to 'GRLM-4'...
 ~/realm-test@realm-GRLM-4 %

Leaving realms

 ~/realm-test@realm-GRLM-4 % git realm leave
Leaving realm called 'GRLM-4'...
Switched to branch 'master'
 ~/realm-test@master %

Disposing realms

1/ Currently used realm

 ~/realm-test@realm-GRLM-4 % git realm dispose
Leaving and disposing currently used realm called 'GRLM-4'...
Switched to branch 'master'
Deleted branch realm-GRLM-4 (was 1d59365).
 ~/realm-test@master %

2/ Existing realm

 ~/tempie/realm-test@master % git realm dispose base-one
Disposing realm called 'base-one'...
Deleted branch realm-base-one (was bb52534).

Planned features

  • git realm enter [realm-name] will enter new or existing realm
  • Reword current realm - generated or typed - git realm reword [realm-name]
  • Configuration support
  • Merging realms into common branch (like Git-Flow)
  • Rewording without entering the realm
  • Bash completion

Dependant commands

  • bash (based upon)
  • git (manipulated with)
  • coreutils - cat, shuf
  • grep
  • sed