
Coffee Roulette — pair with a random person for coffee

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Colette: Coffee Roulette — pair with a random person for coffee

Colette is a command-line tool for organising pairings withing an organisation or community.

Aimed at organisations that want to encourage cross-team collaboration, or communities that want to encourage networking, it can be used to organise coffee roulettes, mentoring, or any other pairings.

It is designed to be simple to use, and to minimise the number of times people are paired with the same person as more rounds are run and can automatically send templated email to participants via Outlook, Mail.app or SMTP.

The algorithm can avoids pairing players from the same organisation or group, and it also has the concept or roles withing the pair. For example if you would like one participant to organise the meet-up, and the other to buy the coffee. One can also specify pairs that should be avoided, or that should be prioritized. These functions are optional.

Colette is written in Python, and is available on PyPI.


Colette requires Python 3.10+, and some familiarity with the command line.

Python can be obtained from official Python distribution, or Anaconda but be aware of the non-free licensing of the latter. You will need to add python to your PATH.

To install the package run the following code in the command line

pip install colette

Check the installation by running the following command:

colette --help

This should print the help message.

Getting started

Once installed, you will need to create a working directory for your coffee roulette.

The directory should look something like this:

├── people.csv
|   With the following header:
|      name,organisation,email,active
|   This is a list of people participating in the roulette,
|   their email addresses, organisation, and whether they
|   are active.
├── round_*.toml 
|   The configuration files for each round, which
|   can generated by Colette and are used to specify
|   players that are temporarily removed from the 
|   round, overrides, and other preferences.
├── solution_*.csv 
│   These are the pairings generated by Colette, 
|   or you can create them manually if you want to
|   import an existing programme.
├── templates
│   ├── subject.txt
|   |   this is the subject line of the email
|   |   
│   └── body.html
|       this is the body of the email. 
|       (Doesn't have to contain html.)
└── email.ini (optional)
    this is the configuration file for sending email 
    using SMTP. If not present, Colette will try to 
    use the default mail client on your computer.


You will need a people.csv comma separated value file with the following header


You can create one with your favourite spreadsheet, or text editor. Each participating (or previously participating) player should be listed on an individual row with the following comma separated values:

  • name — the name of the player and is the only field that must non-empty

  • organisation — whatever grouping sense for your programme. Colette will try to avoid pairing people from the same "organisation" value. This can be left blank if you don't want to use this functionality.

  • email — populated with the email address of each player if you want to use the email functionality.

  • active — Used mark players as no longer participating in the roulette. Note you can also use round configuration files to temporarily remove players from a round. (Discussed below.) Must have one of the following values:

    • 1, true or empty == active,
    • 0 or false == inactive.

Other columns in the CSV are ignored, and can have any format.

If you want to use the email functionality, you will need to create templates for the email subject and body. These are plain text files, use the Jinja2 templating language, and are stored in the templates directory.


For example, the subject.txt file could look like this:

Coffee Roulette ({{ round_config.date.strftime('%b-%Y') }})

Which will print the month and year of the round in the subject line. Eg. "Coffee Roulette (Jan-2021)"

In the body.html, you can either use plain text, or HTML, for example

Hi {{primary.name.split()[0]}} and {{secondary.name.split()[0]}},
The most advanced AI south of Campbell Town has been thinking long and
hard, and it has decided that it would be optimal for you two to have a
coffee this month.

Feel free to reschedule the time as it suits you! (It's not that clever.)

Cheers, <br>
The Coffee Robot <br>


The primary and secondary variables are populated people from the people.csv file. If you wish to assign particular meaning or roles to the primary and secondary designations, you can do so here.

Note Colette will try to swap the primary and secondary roles for a player in each round, so that each player has a turn at being the "organiser" and the "buyer".


If using SMTP email, you will need to create an email.ini file. If you want to use Outlook or Mail.app, you remove this file. This needs the following format:

from = Joe Bloggs <email.name@emailprovider.com>
server = smtp.emailprovider.com
port = 587
ssl = true
username = email.name@emailprovider.com
password = thepasswordfortheaccount

Round configuration files (round_*.toml)

Colette will generate a round_*.toml file for each round.

At a minimum, this file will need to contain the round number and a nominal date for the round. For example:

number = 28
date = 2023-11-06

These files can be also be used to specify players that are temporarily removed from the round, overrides, and other preferences. If you want to temporarily remove a player from the round, you can add a [[remove]] block to the file, with the name of the player and the date or round number they should be removed until.

For example:

## By round number:
name = "Mary Poppins"
until = 29
# Mary is on holiday until next round

## Or by date:
name = "Joe Bloggs"
until = 2044-01-01 
# Joe is in jail for the next 20 years

You can also add overrides to the round configuration file. For example, if you want to avoid pairing two people, you can add a [[override]] block to the file, with the pair of players and a weight to add to the cost of pairing

For example:

pair = ["Mary Poppins", "Joe Bloggs"]
weight = 1000000
# Mary and Joe are mortal enemies
# Joe made Mary's umbrella fly away
# Mary made Joe's coffee fly away
# They should never be paired

The weight is added to the cost of pairing the two players. So if you want to prioritise pairing two people, you can add a negative weight. For example:

pair = ["Joe Bloggs", "Jane Doe"]
weight = -1000000
# Joe and Jane are in love
# They should always be paired

You can also add a [[override]] block to the file, with the name of the player and a role to assign them. For example:

Solution files (solution_*.csv)

Colette will generate a solution_*.csv file for each round. This file will contain the pairings for the round. It will have the following header:


Where primary and secondary are the names of the players, and caveats is a semi-colon separated list of warnings about the pairing. For example:

Joe Bloggs,Mary Poppins,paired before
Jane Doe,Thomas Tank,paired before;same organisation

If you want to import an existing solution, you can create a solution_*.csv file manually. The only requirement is that the header is present, and the primary and secondary columns are populated with the names of the players.

The ordering of primary and secondary are not important if you don't want to assign roles in the pairings.

Running the roulette

Once you have the files, your ready to create a round. In the command line,

colette new


You may need to add the path pip installed colette too to your PATH environment variable.

Alternatively you can run colette as

python -m colette

This will generate a new round configuration file. Make any changes you want to the file (see above), and then make a pairing by running:

colette pair

Inspect the solution_*.csv file to make sure you are happy with the pairings. If you want to make changes, you can edit the round_*.toml file and re-run by deleting the solution_*.csv file and re-running colette pair.

Once you are happy with the pairings, you can send the emails by running:

colette email

By default, this will preview the emails in your default mail client. If you want to send the emails, you can add the --no-preview flag:

colette email --no-preview

Happy rouletting! Any problems with program itself, file an issue on the Colette Github project.


Start a round_*.toml early

It can be useful to start a round_*.toml file early, and use it to keep track of people who are going to be away.

As people let you know they are going to be away, add them to the remove section. This can make things easier when you come to generate the round.

Handling odd numbers

If you have an odd number of people, Colette will have to remove someone from the round.

This is flagged by marking them as pairing with themselves. If you would like to prioritise who is removed, for example you the organiser, you can add an override to the round configuration file (in round_n.toml). Something like:

pair = ["organiser", "organiser"]
weight = -900

Overrides are additive and the default weight for removing a player is 1000. So the net weight for removing the organiser will be 100.

Importing existing programmes

If you have an existing solution, you can import it by creating solution_*.csv files in the data directory (eg. coffee_roulette/solution_000001.csv, coffee_roulette/solution_000002.csv ... ). The only requirement is that the header is present, and the primary and secondary columns are populated with the names of the players.

Upgrading from v0.1.x

If you are upgrading from v0.1.x, you will need to change your templates. The subject.txt and body.html files should now be in the templates directory, instead of the old organiser.template, buyer.template and excluded.template files.

You will also need to update your old solution files. The organiser and buyer names are now primary and secondary in the solution files. You will need to change your templates to reflect this. You can do so with the following sed command (backup first!)

sed -i 's/organiser/primary/g' solution_*.csv
sed -i 's/buyer/secondary/g' solution_*.csv