
☂️CLI written in Go

Primary LanguageGo

dehwyy CLI


  • Go with configured GOPATH and GOROOT

To get started:

Type in terminal:

  go install github.com/dehwyy/dehwyy-cli@latest
  dehwyy-cli --help



Funny command that change the input string to something different:

  dehwyy-cli print -r hello dehwyy
  # would output hELLO DEHWYY
  # in this case r-flag means reverseCapitalize

  # for more information
  dehwyy-cli print --help


Command that make an easy access to information about current PC:

  dehwyy-cli system homedir
  # in my case output is "/home/dehwyy/"

  # for more information
  dehwyy-cli system
  # either
  dehwyy-cli system --help

Runner (only linux)

Runner is a terminalScriptRunner, it's easy to manage usage of several commands by using just one:

  dehwyy-cli runner -add onStartOs "code ." "easyeffects" "gnome-tweaks"
  # it will create command with key "onStartOs" which will execute 3 command continuously

  # to run command
  dehwyy-cli runner --exec onStartOs

  # to delete command
  dehwyy-cli runner --del onStartOs

  # for more information
  dehwyy-cli runner --help

Optionally, you can create alias like 'dh' or 'dehwyy'

In my case, I'm using zsh terminal so I have to sudo nano ~/.zshrc and write at the end of the file alias dehwyy="dehwyy-cli"