
NSScrollView subclass implementing a pure pull-to-refresh logic, easy to embed (Bring-Your-Own-Refresh-Animations style)

Primary LanguageSwift


A NSScrollView subclass that implements a pure pull-to-refresh logic, without any animations. It's up to you to provide the views – e.g. a loader – that are shown on the view edges, when pulled. It requires the delegate pattern to request these "accessory" views, and to notify you of the pull-to-refresh action.

Getting Started

Drag PullRefreshableScrollView.xcodeproj into your XCode project and add its product framework as a dependency of your app's target. Then :

  • import PullRefreshableScrollView in your Swift files
    • no ObjC bridging right now, and neither planned
  • set your Scroll View's class name to PullRefreshableScrollView in Interface Builder
    • these usually enclose a table or collection view
  • write a delegate that conforms to the PullRefreshableScrollViewDelegate protocol
    • most likely this will be the dataSource and delegate of the enclosed table or collection view ; or the view controller that displays the said table or collection view
  • attach this delegate class to the delegate outlet of the PullRefreshableScrollView in IB
  • implement the only required method in the delegate, prScrollView(sender:, triggeredOnEdge:) -> Bool
    • it is called everytime the user pulls-to-refresh
    • it indicates the scroll view the user pulled, and the edge (currently top or bottom) on which the user pulled
    • it should return false if, for some reason (e.g. network disconnected), the refresh action could not be performed ; and true if the refresh action could take place – not whether it succeeded or not, only if it could be actually started
  • implement the accessors that return the accessory view – the views that are shown on the edge that was pulled by the user
    • e.g. var topAccessoryView : (NSView & AccessoryViewForPullRefreshable)? for the top edge's view
  • make your accessory views conform to AccessoryViewForPullRefreshable, which is made of various optional methods, matching change in the state of the view
    • see source code for more details about these methods and notifications

Note that an example application is embedded for you to play around with.