
Install default packages every time you install a new version of Node

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


This nodenv plugin hooks into the nodenv install command to automatically install npm packages every time you install a new version of Node. It requires the node-build plugin to be installed.

Forked from the excellent rbenv-default-gems plugin from sstephenson.


Installing as a nodenv plugin

Make sure you have the latest nodenv and node-build versions, then run:

git clone https://github.com/nodenv/nodenv-default-packages.git $(nodenv root)/plugins/nodenv-default-packages

Installing with Homebrew (for OS X users)

Mac OS X users can install nodenv-default-packages with the Homebrew package manager.

This is the recommended method of installation if you installed nodenv with Homebrew.

$ brew install nodenv/nodenv/nodenv-default-packages

Or, if you would like to install the latest development release:

$ brew install --HEAD nodenv/nodenv/nodenv-default-packages


nodenv-default-packages automatically installs the packages listed in the $(nodenv root)/default-packages file every time you successfully install a new version of Node with nodenv install.

Specify packages in $(nodenv root)/default-packages by name, one per line. You may optionally specify a semver version spec after the name. For example:

jshint ~2.6.3
csslint >= 0.9.0 < 0.10.0

Blank lines and lines beginning with a # are ignored.


Forked from Sam Stephenson's rbenv-default-gems by Josh Hagins and modified for nodenv.