
Simple website to store and read my favorite recipes.

Primary LanguageJava

Status: Populating recipes Database 📚

My cook book is a simple website that I am developing while improving my web developing skills. It is, as its name suggests, a cook book.


One of my favorite hobbies is cooking, but unfortunately I sometimes forget some recipes that I just loved cooking and eating. So when I first started learning about web development I thought it would be neat to just make a cook book where I could store all my favorite recipes so that I never forget how to prepare them! And plus, now they will taste like "I am learning something new 😋"


To better organize everything and make my recipes easier to find, I decided to categorize them, but to make everything sound nicer the common names weren't enough, so in My cook book they go like this:

Category Name Meaning
Sugar touch For desserts and sweet food in general 🍫
Baked goodies For everything that has to go into an oven 🥐
Soul warmers For soups, brothes and stews 🥣
Veggies For vegetable-based recipes 🥙


  • Browsing and displaying recipes
  • Spring Boot Backend
  • Find recipes you can prepare selecting the ingredients you have at home
  • Go to a random recipe


  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • Javascript (ES6+)
  • Spring Boot
  • Heroku
  • PostgreSQL