
Local transport (train) in Paris module for MagicMirror²

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Local transport in Ile de France Region module for MagicMirror², a projet created by Michael Teeuw

This module is working thanks to lgmorand and flafla15 It gives in real time next trains (transilien) of the station of your choice using SNCF API "temps réel transilien"

SNCF OpenData

A law was voted to force public companies to open some of their data to the public. More info about the api

VERY IMPORTANT They suck at SNCF and they force you to ask for a key to use the API. For that, you need to ask them a key by email (see link above), once you write a mail, you MAY receive a key after several days or weeks (because they really really suck...). It may change in the future but for now they clearly do that to prevent users to easily access their API.


Clone the git in the /modules folder of Magic Mirror and run the "npm install" command which will install the required node modules


1- You need to find your train station and find the UIC of the train station (not the uic7 column, the UIC). You can look here

2- Specify missing values in the configuration. You need the UIC of your train station and the UIC of the arrival station.

3- You can choose to display the actual time of arrival or the remaining time before arrival of a train with the showRemainingTime property.

    module: 'MMM-Transilien',
    position: 'top_right',
    header:'Courbevoie vers St Lazare',
        login:"", // You must add your API login and password
        showRemainingTime: true

3- Don't forget to add login/password, which are the credentials to access the API. You can try them in your browser by trying to open the url http://api.transilien.com/



Further information and support

Please use the forum of magic mirror² https://forum.magicmirror.builders/