
Repository containing translations of *Purr*


*Purr* allows to have a per-guild language to be set.
The language used can be set through the .language command (Default is english (en)).

Adding own translations

You may add your own translation for *Purr* to be used in the future.
In order to do this, copy the content of the en.json, create a new file named after the language code of your language, add the content of the en.json to it and start translating!

As a thank you for translating the bot will you be mentioned in this readme and become a part of the translator-team of this organisation.

Please follow those guidelines listed below:

  • Do NOT
    • Alter, add or remove placeholders. A placeholder starts with a { and ends with a } ({example}).
      You may change its position if f.e. your language has a different direction.
    • Add, remove or edit unicode. Unicode starts with a \u followed by 4 charactes.
      Only add, remove or edit them when it is unavoidable. For example, when your language (somehow) doesn't support it.
  • You should
    • Try to keep commits at a minimum.
      It's okay to do commits, if files have changed since you started the PR, but your PR shouldn't start with 10+ commits.
      Use the "Squash and merge" or "Rebase and merge" options when needed.

Additional information

Some languages may have different meanings for the same character, or have a feel to it that depends on what personality the character is.
Here is a small summary of *Purr*'s personality for those cases:

*Purr* is a caring person. She loves to help others and to bring joy, fun and entertainment. She's happy when others are happy.
She's very protective about her little sister *Snuggle* and won't allow people to do certain actions to her (e.g. Kissing her using *Purr*'s commands).
She may also have a dirty mind at certain points and will also make such comments in those cases (Like when someone uses the .bj command on themself.

She's married to another women and very happy about this.

Supported languages

This is an up to date list of translations available for you.

Language: Code*: Translated by:
English en Andre_601
German de Andre_601
Korean ko Katinor
Russian ru TheDanWolf

*The code may be used in the .language set <language> command.