
A component to render HTTP method body documentation based on AMF model

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Published on NPM

Build Status

Published on webcomponents.org


A component to render HTTP method body documentation based on AMF model generated from API spec file.

Version compatibility

This version only works with AMF model version 2 (AMF parser >= 4.0.0). For compatibility with previous model version use 3.x.x version of the component.


<api-body-document> provides the following custom properties and mixins for styling:

Custom property Description Default
--api-parameters-document-title-border-color Border color of the section title #e5e5e5
--api-body-document-toggle-view-color Color of the toggle view button --arc-toggle-view-icon-color or rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.74)
--api-body-document-toggle-view-hover-color Color of the toggle view button when hovered var(--arc-toggle-view-icon-hover-color or rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.88)
--api-body-document-description-color Color of the type description rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.74)
--api-body-document-media-button-background-color Selection color of the media type selector #CDDC39
--api-body-document-examples-title-color Color of examples section title ``
--api-body-document-examples-border-color Example section border color transparent
--code-background-color Background color of the examples section ``
--api-body-document-media-type-label-font-weight Font weight of the media type label (when selection is not available) 500
--arc-font-subhead-font-size Font size of the collapsible section title ``
--arc-font-subhead-font-color Font color of the collapsible section title ``
--arc-font-subhead-font-font-weight Font weight of the collapsible section title ``
--arc-font-subhead-font-line-height Line height of the collapsible section title ``
--arc-font-subhead-narrow-font-size Font size of the collapsible section title in mobile-friendly view 17px,
--arc-font-body2-font-size Font size of the type title ``
--arc-font-body2-font-weight Font weight of the type title ``
--arc-font-body2-line-height Line height of the type title ``
--api-body-document-code-color initial
--api-body-document-any-info-font-size 16px
--api-body-document-any-info-font-weight 500



npm install --save @api-components/api-body-document

In an html file

    <script type="module">
      import '@api-components/api-body-document/api-body-document.js';

In a LitElement

import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
import '@api-components/api-body-document/api-body-document.js';

class SampleElement extends PolymerElement {
  render() {
    return html`
    <api-body-document .amf="${this.amf}"></api-body-document>
customElements.define('sample-element', SampleElement);


git clone https://github.com/advanced-rest-client/api-body-document
cd api-body-document
npm install

Running the demo locally

npm start

Running the tests

npm test

API components

This component is a part of API components ecosystem