
Linked Data Platform server based on rdflib.js and node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Linked Data Platform server based on rdflib.js and node.js. This is all you need to run distributed linked data apps on top of the file system.

You can run ldnode as a command-line tool or as a library for your Nodejs/Express app.


  • GET, PUT, POST and PATCH support
  • Proxy for cross-site data access
  • Access control using RDF ACLs
  • WebID+TLS Authentication
  • Mount as express' router
  • Command line tool
  • Real-time live updates (using websokets)

Command line tool

npm install -g ldnode

The command line tool has the following options

Usage: ldnode [options]

   -v, --verbose           Print the logs to console
   --version               Print current ldnode version
   -m, --mount             Where to mount Linked Data Platform (default: '/')
   -r, --root              Root location on the filesystem to serve resources
   -p, --port              Port to use
   -c, --cache             Set cache time (in seconds), 0 for no cache
   -K, --key               Path to the ssl key
   -C, --cert              Path to the ssl cert
   --webid                 Enable WebID+TLS authentication
   -s, --secret            HTTP Session secret key (e.g. "your secret phrase")
   -P, --proxy             Use a proxy on example.tld/proxyPath
   --no-live               Disable live support through WebSockets
   -sA, --suffix-acl       Suffix for acl files (default: '.acl')
   -sM, --suffix-meta      Suffix for metadata files (default: '.meta')
   -sE, --suffix-sse       Suffix for SSE files (default: '.events')

For example, to start your own server using the current folder:

$ ldnode --webid --port 443 --cert /path/to/cert --key /path/to/key



npm install


The library provides two APIs:

  • ldnode.createServer(settings): starts a ready to use Express app.
  • lnode(settings): creates an Express that you can mount in your existing express app.

In case the settings is not passed, then it will start with the following default settings.

  cache: 0, // Set cache time (in seconds), 0 for no cache
  live: true, // Enable live support through WebSockets
  root: './', // Root location on the filesystem to serve resources
  secret: 'node-ldp', // Express Session secret key
  cert: false, // Path to the ssl cert
  key: false, // Path to the ssl key
  mount: '/', // Where to mount Linked Data Platform
  webid: false, // Enable WebID+TLS authentication
  suffixAcl: '.acl', // Suffix for acl files
  suffixSSE: '.events', // Suffix for SSE files
  proxy: false, // Where to mount the proxy
  errorHandler: false, // function(err, req, res, next) to have a custom error handler
  errorPages: false // specify a path where the error pages are

Have a look at the following examples or in the examples/ folder for more complex ones


You can create an ldnode server ready to use using ldnode.createServer(opts)

var ldnode = require('ldnode')
var ldp = ldnode.createServer({
    key: '/path/to/sslKey.pem',
    cert: '/path/to/sslCert.pem',
    webid: true
ldp.listen(3000, function() {
  // Started Linked Data Platform

You can integrate ldnode in your existing express app, by mounting the ldnode app on a specific path using lnode(opts).

var ldnode = require('ldnode')
var app = require('express')()
app.use('/test', ldnode(yourSettings))
app.listen(3000, function() {
  // Started Express app with ldp on '/test'

Run your app with the DEBUG variable set:

$ DEBUG="ldnode:*" node app.js


$ npm test
# running the tests with logs
$ DEBUG="ldnode:*" npm test

In order to test a single component, you can run

npm run test-(acl|formats|params|patch)


ldnode is only possible due to the excellent work of the following contributors:

Tim Berners-Lee GitHub/timbl Twitter/@timberners_lee webid
Nicola Greco GitHub/nicola Twitter/@nicolagreco webid
Martin Martinez Rivera GitHub/martinmr
Andrei Sambra GitHub/deiu Twitter/@deiu webid

Do you want to contribute?

Have a look at CONTRIBUTING.md.
