
Proxy server with authentication (using WebID-TLS delegation)

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


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Agent/Proxy server with authentication (for WebID-TLS delegation) that can be used as a micro-service along a Solid server.


Using the source code on Github

go get -u github.com/deiu/solidproxy/proxy-server

Using the Docker image

Note: The docker image is configured to run on HTTP by default. This means that you should set up a reverse proxy using Nginx or Apache, and handle the HTTPS configuration there.

First, you have to pull the docker image:

docker pull deiu/solidproxy

Next, create a file called env.list in which you set the configuration variables (read below to find more about them).

Once you're done with the config, save the file and run the docker image:

docker run --env-file ./env.list -p <host_proxyport>:<container_proxyport> -p <host_agentport>:<container_agentport> deiu/solidproxy

Replace the above port values with your own port numbers from your configuration.

Configuration for standalone server or docker image

Solidproxy uses environment variables (for docker compatibility).

  • SOLIDPROXY_VERBOSE [default false] -- enables logging to stderr
  • SOLIDPROXY_INSECURE [default false] -- accept bad certificates (self-signed, expired, etc.) when connecting to remore servers
  • SOLIDPROXY_PROXYPORT [default 3129]-- the default port for the proxy service
  • SOLIDPROXY_AGENTPORT [default 3200]-- the default port for the agent WebID service
  • SOLIDPROXY_AGENT -- the URL (WebID) of the agent (in case it's on a different server). This is important if you want to use the proxy for delegation of authenticated requests.
  • SOLIDPROXY_ENABLEPROXYTLS -- enable HTTPS for the proxy service
  • SOLIDPROXY_ENABLEAGENTTLS -- enable HTTPS for the agent service
  • SOLIDPROXY_TLSKEY -- path to the TLS key file (using PEM format)
  • SOLIDPROXY_TLSCERT -- path to the TLS cert file (using PEM format)




export SOLIDPROXY_AGENT="https://example.org:3200/webid#me"

export SOLIDPROXY_TLSKEY="test_key.pem"
export SOLIDPROXY_TLSCERT="test_cert.pem"

User profile configuration

For the delegated authentication to work, you need to indicate that you trust and use a third party agent to authenticate and perform requests on your behalf.

This is just a simple matter of adding the following triple to your WebID profile:

<https://bob.com/profile#me> <http://www.w3.org/ns/auth/acl#delegates> <https://example.org:3200/webid#me> .

This triple says that you delegate the agent with the WebID https://example.org:3200/webid#me.


The app spawns two servers. One that serves the proxy on port 3129 and route /proxy by default (i.e. example.org:3129/proxy). And another one on port 3200 and route webid (i.e. example.org:3200/webid), which serves the agent's WebID profile for authenticated requests.

Running as a micro-service

If you want to use the proxy, your Solid server needs to forward requests to the following URL:


Say your Solid is available at https://bob.com/. You need to configure it so that it forwards all requests it receives at https://bob.com/proxy to the solidproxy server running at https://bob.com:3129/proxy.

Aditionally, if you want to use the delegation feature of the server, you need to specify the user on whose behalf the request is made. To do this, your server needs to set the User header to the WebID of the user.

For example, if your server considers Bob to be authenticated and wants to perform a request on Bob's behalf, then it will set the User header to Bob's WebID: https://bob.com/webid#me as seen below.

GET /proxy?uri=https://alice.com/foo/bar HTTP/1.1
Host: example.org:3129
User: https://bob.com/webid#me

Running as a library

Here is a short example showing how you can use the proxy as a library in your own Go project.

package main

import (


func main() {
	mux := http.NewServeMux()

	// Init logger
	logger := log.New(os.Stderr, "[debug] ", log.Flags()|log.Lshortfile)

	// Next we create a new (local) agent object with its corresponding key
	// pair and profile document and serve it under /agent
	// Alternatively, we can create a "remote" agent to which we need to 
	// provide a cert (tls.Certificate) you can load from somewhere:
	// agent, err := solidproxy.NewAgent("https://example.org/agent#me")
	// agent.Cert = someTLScert
	agent, err := solidproxy.NewAgentLocal("http://localhost:8080/agent#me")
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Error creating new agent:", err.Error())
	// assign logger
	agent.Log = logger
	// Skip verifying trust chain for certificates?
	// Use true when dealing with self-signed certs (testing, etc.)
	insecureSkipVerify := true
	// Create a new proxy object
	proxy := solidproxy.NewProxy(agent, insecureSkipVerify)
	// assign logger
	proxy.Log = logger

	// Prepare proxy handler and serve it at http://localhost:8080/proxy
	mux.HandleFunc("/proxy", proxy.Handler) 

	// The handleAgent is only needed if you plan to serve the agent's WebID
	// profile yourself; it will be available at http://localhost:8080/agent
	mux.HandleFunc("/agent", agent.Handler) 

	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux)