This project demonstrates how to use the ESP32-S3 microcontroller with the SIM800L GPRS module to send a POST request to a web server.


  • Sends a POST request to a web server using the SIM800L GPRS module

  • Reads the response from the web server and prints it to the serial monitor

  • Uses a button to trigger the request

  • Debounces the button input to prevent multiple requests


  • ESP32-S3 microcontroller

  • SIM800L GPRS module

  • Button

  • Jumper wires


  • Arduino IDE

  • ESP32-S3 board package

  • SIM800L library


  1. Install the ESP32-S3 board package in the Arduino IDE.

  2. Download the SIM800L library and install it in the Arduino IDE.

  3. Connect the ESP32-S3 to the SIM800L module according to the following pinout:

    • ESP32-S3 RX (GPIO 4) to SIM800L TX

    • ESP32-S3 TX (GPIO 5) to SIM800L RX

    • ESP32-S3 3.3V to SIM800L VCC

    • ESP32-S3 GND to SIM800L GND

  4. Connect a button to the ESP32-S3 GPIO 0 pin.

  5. Upload the code to the ESP32-S3.


  1. Open the serial monitor in the Arduino IDE.

  2. Press the button to send a POST request to the web server.

  3. The response from the web server will be printed to the serial monitor.


  • The web server URL and request parameters can be modified in the code.

  • The SIM800L module requires a SIM card with a data plan.

  • The code includes a debounce delay to prevent multiple requests from being sent when the button is pressed.

  • The code also includes commands to test the IP address and signal quality of the SIM800L module.

Additional Resources