
Powerhouse is digital product that improves the accessibility to companionship, mentorship, emotional support, motivation, and professional growth. There’s is an emotional stress & mental health epidemic going on, the factors that contribute to these situations are highly integrated into our daily lives, therefore we must create solutions that would rival their hold and this is what this apps aims to do.

Getting started

Prerequisites 🍳

You'll need

  • Any Operating System (ie. MacOS X, Linux, Windows)
  • Any IDE with Flutter SDK installed (ie. IntelliJ, Android Studio, VSCode etc)
  • A little knowledge of Dart and Flutter

Building the app 🏗️

To build the app, run:

flutter run 


  • Journal your thoughts and imaginations.
  • Connect with amazing women for mentorships and advice.
  • Job boards where you can see job openings posted by others
  • Premium access to articles and videos to inspire you

Screenshots 📷