
IT Tralee Year 4 Module: Advanced Database Programming - MongoDB Portfolio with PHP Laravel Framework

Primary LanguagePHP


IT Tralee Year 4 Semester 1

MongoDB Portfolio for Advanced Database Programming in IT Tralee. Aim of this portfolio is to show the study outcome for performing MongoDB CRUD operation and MapReduce with the use of selected APIs from UI.

Implementation is related to big data where book details is stored in MongoDB.

Programming Language and APIs used for implementation:

IDE used for implementation

  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code.


  1. Install MongoDB Driver for PHP.
  2. Extract DLL zip file and extract inside PHP's ext directory.
  3. Add the following command in PHP Configuration file (php.ini)


Clone Repository

Install required libraries

composer install
bower install
npm install


Set environment (env) file:

cp .env.example .env

Generate application key:

php artisan key:generate

Create database and add database settings to .env file.

Live Preview

Starting Laravel server

php artisan serve

Watching Assets for Changes

Webpack automatically recompile assets when detects a change.

npm run watch

Certain environments Webpack is not updating

npm run watch-poll

Running Mix

Run all Mix tasks

npm run dev

Run all Mix tasks and minify output

npm run production