
Primary LanguagePLpgSQLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

MathQA Server Development


Link to Presentation Slides Go to docs/ directory for implementation details


MathQA Admin GUI MathQA Admin Demo Video

Running the Server

  1. cd to the main MathQA server directory
  2. Activate the virtual environment: source activate env
  3. Install the dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Load the data (see next section)
  5. Run the server python manage.py runserver Runs server at port 8000. This is because the server is not remote, LaTeX viewer then assumes the server is running at localhost at port 8000.

Loading data

  1. The data used for this project is stored inside db.json
  2. Load it using python manage.py loaddata db.json command

Running Latex Viewer

  1. Install Node.js and npm
  2. Install jspm and live-server via npm
  3. cd to latex_viewer directory
  4. Run jspm install
  5. For first time user-only: fix dependencies in Angular-Filter
    1. Go inside jspm_packages/npm/angular-filter or angular-filter module inside node_modules directory
    2. Create index.js then copy and paste the following script:
    module.exports = 'angular-filter';
  6. Run live-server . which starts a node.js server at http://localhost:8080
  7. Navigate to different html views by clicking the link inside the side-navigator or by manually appending the html layout to the hostname: http://localhost:8080/[page].html

Models and APIs

  1. The model and the APIs are developed under apiv2 module
  2. The REST APIs are available under the apiv2/urls.py
  3. APIs for accessing models in general:
    • /apiv2/[object]s/: retrieve all objects from the database
    • /apiv2/[object]s/[object_id]: retrieve 1 object from the database based on object id
    • Advanced filtering methods are also available with the help of filters. To views the available filter, please look inside apiv2/views.py module. Example of API filter: /apiv2/questions/?concept=1: retrieve all questions that have the same concept id=1
  4. APIs for Searching: the API for search services are available inside apiv2/views.py as Python methods prefixed with search_[search_type]
    • search_database(): /apiv2/search/?type=d&query=[query] for database search
    • search_text(): /apiv2/search/?type=t&query=[query] for full-text search (using Haystack)
    • search_formula(): /apiv2/search/?type=f&query=[query] for formula search

Mathematical Document Retrieval

The three types of mathematical document retrieval are supported, which include search_database, search_text and search_formula methods. These implementation can be found under apiv2/views.py

  1. search_database method performs raw text retrieval using Django icontains queryset
  2. search_text method performs full-text search using Django Haystack. Both the data and query is first preprocessed using apiv2/search/utils/text_util.py module
  3. The formula search implementation is available under apiv2/search/fsearch directory. This module composed of 4 main modules:
    • formula_features_extractor.py: extracts formula terms from raw latex syntax (excluding the delimiters such as $$ latex $$, $ latex $, [ latex ] or ( latex ). If these delimiters exist, extract it first using formula_extractor module
    • formula_extractor.py: extracts raw latex string from latex delimiters
    • formula_indexer.py: creates inverted formula table (i.e. formula index table) based on existing formula data in the database.
    • formula_retriever.py: performs formula query matching with the formula index table, ranks the results and serve the search results in the form of (formula, question) pair (please refer to the search_formula method under views.py and serializers.py module for a better understanding).