
Moloch V3 Cookie Jar

Primary LanguageTypeScript

DAO MiniApp Starter (vite)

Vite React Starter for a DAO app scoped to a single DAO.


1. Project Setup


npx degit HausDAO/dao-app-starter-vite my-daohaus-app

cd my-daohaus-app

git init



git clone git@github.com:HausDAO/moloch-v3-vite-starter.git

git remote remove origin

cd dh-moloch-v3-vite-starter



git clone https://github.com/HausDAO/dh-v3-vite-starter.git

git remote remove origin

cd dh-moloch-v3-vite-starter


2. .env Setup

cp .env.sample .env

Get a free Rivet key here


Get an Etherscan API key here


If developing for Mainnet or Gnosis Chain you can get an API key here. Ignore this one if not worried about mainnet or gnosis chain yet.


This is the target address for the DAO you are developing the app for. You will get this value in the next step if you do not have an existing DAO.

3. Target DAO Set-up

Summon a DAO

Edit src/targetDao.ts

Add your DAO's data to the property and values of the object

Edit .env

Add the DAO address in the VITE_TARGET_KEY variable

  • You can add multiple DAOs as new objects in targetDao.ts and toggle with this env variable
  • You can add other variables to targetDao.ts as needed

4. Run the Development Server

yarn dev



  • Sets up the react-query provider @daohaus/moloch-v3-hooks will use
  • Sets up DHConnectProvider - that handles the Wallet Connect functionality
  • Sets up HausThemeProvider - that provides the styling theme to the app
  • Adds the router to the app


  • Parent component wrapping all routes/pages
  • Sets up DHLayout which adds the connect button and navigation to the app
    • You can update the navigation in navLinks
  • Sets up TXBuilder which enables easy transaction creation


  • Example of how to add FormBuilder to the app
  • See the legos it is using at legos/forms.ts, legos/fields.ts, and legos/tx.ts
    • These are recipes for creating forms and contract function interactions


  • Ad routes/pages for dao overview, vaults, settings
    • proposals, members and profile coming soon
  • show hook data fetch
  • show macro ui addition
  • moloch-v3-fields package
    • coming soon

Adding UI Components

Methods for Accessing daoid and daochain

These values are used in most hooks and components and you have some options:

Get them from targetDao.ts

const daoChain = TARGET_DAO[import.meta.env.VITE_TARGET_KEY].CHAIN_ID;
const daoId = TARGET_DAO[import.meta.env.VITE_TARGET_KEY].ADDRESS;

or load them into a context from the @daohaus/moloch-v3-hooks library and then there is a hook you can use.

Wrap your tree in this context:

import { CurrentDaoProvider } from "@daohaus/moloch-v3-hooks";


    daoChain: TARGET_DAO[import.meta.env.VITE_TARGET_KEY].CHAIN_ID,
    daoId: TARGET_DAO[import.meta.env.VITE_TARGET_KEY].ADDRESS,

Then access this hook:

import { useCurrentDao } from "@daohaus/moloch-v3-hooks";

const { daoChain, daoId } = useCurrentDao();
  • Future: urlParams in a multi DAO app

Adding Custom Fields


Editing the Theme


Router Example for Multi DAO App

