
Hangman application in Grails

Primary LanguageGroovy

#Hangman implementation in Grails# Simple hangman game built in Grails. Restful, returns json, main logic is available through web service Game framework could support variety of games


##Running locally##

##TODO## - Word Guess - Spaces are kind of redundant - Front End - Game Domain should have Turns (possibly) - More tests (controllers and rest) - Strange cases, nulls, massive strings - Java doc - Strings used should be in .messages - Handling of special chars not perfect - Retrned object should be interface - GameLogic should be abstract or interface

- Versioning REST resources
- Griffon
- Code Coverage
- Circuit breaker
- Load Test
- Profile
- Async
- Admin console/health

##Development Steps##

  • New Computer

  • Install Grails

  • Install Java

  • Create App

  • Push to Github

  • Branch AddUser

    • Install Security Plugin, which gives User, Role, Secured
    • Abandon, feels a bit heavy at this point with configuration not goal of assignment
  • Main idea

    • /hangman/game/1
    • restful interface into game
    • front end can be html or other
    • game should be generic enough to handle turn based game
    • Basical Diagram
  • Build Domain Classes

    • Use scaffolding to see them hang together
    • Get the basic domain classes correct
  • Fixed H2 bug in logging!

  • Going to rather spike a solution, REPL

    • Decent results with regualr expressions, but collections with interesctions and stuffs probably better
  • Lets retry with more functional ideas

    • Definitely getting somewhere
  • Abstract factory? Seems quite felxible in this case

    • Service or just groovy
  • Sleeping on it: I think I am trying to hard to solve business problems we do not have.

    • System does not need to support many games
    • Build a good robust system
    • Found some nice collection ways of resolving solution problems
    • Still try keep state out of it.
    • State probably HAS to be in due to picking up saved games (could put solution encrypted into parameter though to avoid state)
    • User could just bookmark a game then (still can do this saving answer)
    • Saving to database would give nice history of games played etc
    • Grails has changed quite a bit
      • Playing with new rest controller
      • New spock testing
    • HTML an JSON version
    • Test driven solution
      • Get the logic working in a serivice
      • Can expose via json rest later
      • Least side effects
    • Build gameplay controller to play game

    DAY 2

    • Uppercase/lowercase should not matter

    • New Grails doc, Groovydoc api, should be using ** Internal debate of typeing method parameters.

      • Not needed, allows flexibility, whatever is passed in just needs to implement intersect or whatever function is called upon it.
      • More difficult for initial people to pick up, less compiler checking
      • Decided to type them
      • Power assert method exists ** Add robustness with upfront power asserts, self documenting code is nice!
    • Should add is guess correct

    • Refactor tests to be more modular

    • Robustify tests

      • Test for bizarre stuff
      • upper lower
      • nulls ** Do a version that has upper and lower case differences
    • Adding the dates for win and loose

      • Getting win and loose conditions to work ** Any user can play game, game state is saved via URL
      • If we had turns could use url /show/1?turn=2
    • SPIKE to figure out how to return clean json instead of all the method calls in the builder

    • Return json for logic

    • Muddling of controllers is unnecessary