DOMFf is a simple IDE for extract all DOM data on a website, is perfect for all penetration testers, with this you can extract all data name, value of specific form with only one line, this tool work like a debugger

Primary LanguagePython





  • Colorama
  • BeautifulSoup
  • Python

Start analysis

python domff.py --url=http://exemple.com

Menu listing

| header           : (Show information of header)
| useragent        : (Change current user-agent)
| cookie           : (Update cookie)
| analyser         : (Start DOM forensics)
| get_form         : (Get all form)
| jmp:{element}    : (JUMP object on DOM exemple (jmp:FORM))
| jmp:list         : (Show JMP elements listing)
| jmpdel:{element} : (Delete element to JMP list)
| brk:{element}    : (Breakpoint on specific DOM element)
| brk:list         : (Show breakpoint listing)
| brkdel:{element} : (Delete element to breakpoint)
| set:{url}        : (Set new url)
| bk_url           : (Show back url)
| mov              : (Run forensics on new url)
| reboot           : (Reboot current request)
| import_link      : (Import all link)
| map_link         : (View map of links)
| network          : (View network map)
| clear_link       : (Clear link listing)
| clear            : (Clear current console)
| help - ls        : (Show this message help)
| log:on           : (Start logs)
| log:off          : (Stop logs)
| exit             : (Exit DOM Forensics Framework)
header (MENU)
  • Show header information
  • exemple :
DOMFf : (logging:off) <http://github.com/graniet/> # header
| Server: GitHub.com
| Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2016 13:31:29 GMT
| Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
| Transfer-Encoding: chunked
| Connection: close
| Status: 200 OK
| Cache-Control: no-cache
| Vary: X-PJAX
useragent (MENU)
  • Show list of useragent
  • exemple :
DOMFf : (logging:off) <http://github.com/graniet/> # useragent
| Please select User-Agent
| Chrome
| Chromium
| Firefox
| W3C_Validator
| LynxFramework
cookie (MENU)
  • Change current cookie
  • exemple:
DOMFf : (logging:off) <http://github.com/graniet/> # cookie
DOMFf : New cookie # (Enter new cookie here)
analyser (IDE)
  • load analyser IDE
  • exemple:
| starting forensics with jmp <>
|0x0|<!DOCTYPE html>
|0x1|<html lang="en" class=" is-copy-enabled emoji-size-boost is-u2f-enabled">
|0x2|<head prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns# fb: http://ogp.me/ns/fb# object:...
|0x3|<meta charset='utf-8'>
|0x4|<meta content="origin-when-cross-origin" name="referrer" />
|0x0|<enter> or <help>:

get_form (MENU)
  • get all form in source
  • exemple:
DOMFf : (logging:off) <http://github.com/graniet/> # get_form
|_type : FORM (NO_NAME)
| show             : Show params loaded data.
| sqlmap           : Generate SQLMAP line with current params.
| vuln             : Show possible vulnerability.
| help             : Show this help bullet.
| <enter>          : Skip this data.

jmp (MENU)

  • Configure one jump with jmp:
  • exemple :
DOMFf : (logging:off) <http://github.com/graniet/> # jmp:a
| (<a>) element added to jump list
  • Show all jump with jmp:list
  • exemple :
DOMFf : (logging:off) <http://github.com/graniet/> # jmp:list
| <a>
  • Delete one jump with jumpdel:
  • exemple:
DOMFf : (logging:off) <http://github.com/graniet/> # jmpdel:a
| element <a> removed
Breakpoint (MENU)
  • Configure one breakpoint with brk:
  • exemple:
DOMFf : (logging:off) <http://github.com/graniet/> # brk:a
| breaking on <a>
  • Show all breakpoint with brk:list
  • exemple:
DOMFf : (logging:off) <http://github.com/graniet/> # brk:list
| <a>
  • Delete one breakpoint with brkdel:
  • exemple:
DOMFf : (logging:off) <http://github.com/graniet/> # brkdel:a
| element <a> removed
Configure new url (MENU)
  • set new url with set:
  • exemple:
DOMFf : (logging:off) <http://github.com/graniet/> # set:http://github.com
| new url : http://github.com
  • load new url with mov
  • exemple:
| Perfect loading (OK)
| status:status
| x-request-id:x-request-id
| x-xss-protection:x-xss-protection
| x-content-type-options:x-content-type-options
| content-security-policy:content-security-policy
| transfer-encoding:transfer-encoding
| set-cookie:set-cookie
| strict-transport-security:strict-transport-security
| Load tools <enter> :
reboot (MENU)
  • for reboot current interface use : reboot
import all link
  • for import all source link use : import_link
  • exemple:
DOMFf : (logging:off) <http://github.com/> # import_link
| New link imported : http://github.com/#start-of-content
| New link imported : https://help.github.com/articles/supported-browsers
| New link imported : https://www.apple.com/safari/
| New link imported : https://chrome.google.com
| New link imported : https://mozilla.org/firefox/
| New link imported : https://github.com/
| New link imported : http://github.com/personal
| New link imported : http://github.com/open-source
Show map (MENU)
  • For check all mapping link use : map_link
show session network (MENU)
  • For show session network use : network
  • exemple:
DOMFf : (logging:off) <http://github.com/graniet> # network
  • For start logging use : log:on
  • exemple:
DOMFf : (logging:off) <http://github.com/graniet> # log:on
| Listen logs start : /....domff/logs/be2d8e1a-7665-471c-a69a-2cd342fc4197.domff
  • For stop logging use : log:off
  • exemple:
DOMFf : (logging:on) <http://github.com/graniet> # log:off
| Listen logs stop


  • SOON