
A collection of stories, where I learn to write fiction

Learning to write

Inspiried by Nanowrimo, I decided to start writing fiction this month. While I'm at it, I'll also practice writing nonfiction. You can find my successive learning attempts here.


In practicing fiction, I'm writing a few stories a day, spending an hour on each one, trying out lots of different approaches, and hoping to improve my skills in the process. You can find my stories below! Feel free to offer any feedback.

  1. Deathbrowsing - John Cleese decides it's time to die, but how? (165 words)

  2. The Optimizer - An agent of Jeff Bezos discovers Elon Musk's dark secret. (315 words)

  3. Cold Feet - I confront Iceland's February cold. (453 words)

  4. Unschooled - An accent-faking student finds freedom from schooling. (951 words)

  5. Universal Acid - A burnt-out neuroscientist's mind cools off on retreat. (533 words)

  6. Symmetry - Two clones have their first meeting. (199 words)


  1. Before and After - Apply weight-loss techniques to learning. (364 words)

  2. Stick to a Routine - Make time for what matters. (331 words)

  3. Elon Musk's Implausible, but Possible Solutions - What can we learn from Elon Musk? (451 words)

  4. Creating Digital People - What will it take to create a new way of life? (367 words)

  5. Problem-Solving vs. Problem-Having - What attitudes encourage progress? (377 words)

  6. The modern world through a Luddite's eyes - The past is here. It's just not evenly distributed. (402 words)