
Dockerfile for Python 3 + PyQt5 applications with X11 support

Primary LanguageMakefile


Dockerfile for Python 3 + PyQt5 apps with X11 support

DockerHub | GitHub | Changelog

Based on jozo/pyqt5:1.0. Includes:

  • pip
  • pyqt5
  • pyqt5.qtmultimedia
  • pyqt5.qtx11extras
  • dumb-init

Run this command from the sources directory to make sure everything works as supposed to:

docker run --rm \
    -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
    -v ./test.py:/tmp/test.py \
    delameter/pyqt5:latest \
    python3 /tmp/test.py

Or just execute test.sh, which contains the very same command. The result should look like on a screenshot to the right.


Clone the repository, create the configuration file:

git clone git@github.com:delameter/docker-pyqt5.git
cd docker-pyqt5
make prepare 

This will create local configuration file .env, which determines target docker repository, image name and version. Build the image:

make build

Push the image to the registry:

make publish