
  • Create a README that reports a comparison of each model's performance as well as a summary about your findings and any assumptions you can make based on your model (is your model good enough to predict new exoplanets? Why or why not? What would make your model be better at predicting new exoplanets?).

Model 1 Performance vs Model 2 Performance -SVM vs Logistical Regression

Summar of Findings- Assumptions I can make based on my model.

Is my model good enough to predict new exoplnaets? Why or Why Not?

What would make your model be better at prediciting new exoplanets?

Hints and Considerations

  • Start by cleaning the data, removing unnecessary columns, and scaling the data.

  • Not all variables are significant be sure to remove any insignificant variables.

  • Make sure your sklearn package is up to date.

  • Try a simple model first, and then tune the model using GridSearch.

--use df.corr
 --encode y