Personal site

Running site locally

$ bundle install
$ jekyll serve

Now browse to http://localhost:4000

Writing pages

  • Jekyll-generated site is under _site directory.
  • The simplest way of adding a page is just to add an HTML file in the root.
  • Images, javascript and styles goes under assets folder
  • In order get Markdown converted to HTML, files need to start with Front matters
layout: default
title: Page title

Reference for this site

  • Index page has default layout --> It shows the about content, a picture and social links
  • The page layout includes a header and a footer
  • The post layout includes header footer title date and author
   |--> Home
   |--> Pages
   |--> Projects
   |--> About


[Link to a page]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link index.html %})

Jenkins uses Liquid

Styling Markdown