
Command line application to simulate an input from your keyboard in windows environments.

Primary LanguageC++


With this command line application you can simulate an input from your keyboard in windows environments (win 2000 and later).
You can simulate the pressure of every character in the keyboard, and probably also the special vendor keys.
For characters list, execute 'keypress ls' or seee this page : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375731(v=vs.85).aspx)

Usage: keypress [OPTIONS]

time [MILLIS] - t [MILLIS] - Specify a sleep time in milliseconds before the key pressing
hex [HEX] - h [HEX] - HEX will be processed as a hex number and converted following the special table
win-code [STRING] - w [STRING] - STRING will be processed as a string and converted following the special table
list-specials - ls - Show the list of special characters

example: - keypress w VK_ESCAPE t 100 - keypress w VK_VOLUME_MUTE - keypress w VK_BROWSE_BACK - keypress w VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK - keypress w VK_PLAY - keypress w VK_ZOOM