Clothing Size API Client

By Zoe Weinstein, Amy Young, Chris Nakayama, Wajma Niazi, Jonathan Delcid

Technologies Used

  • VS Code
  • C#
  • .NET 5.0
  • ASP.NET Core MVC
  • Bootstrap/Bootswatch
  • CSS


  • Shows the JSON that is returned for the various endpoints for the Clothing Size API:

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Go to GitHub:
  • Clone Repository to your desktop
  • also clone and follow instructions in that readme to update the database and run the server simultaneously

API Endpoints

  • GET /api/Brands

  • GET /api/Brands?{key}={value}

  • Brand key query options: brandid, clothingtype, gender, xxxs, xxs, xs, s, m, l, xl, xxl, xxxl, xxxxl

  • Get /api/Brands/{id}

  • POST /api/Brands

  • PUT /api/Brands/{id}

  • Delete /api/Brands/{id}

  • GET /api/Sizes

  • GET /api/Sizes?{key}={value}

  • Size key query options: sizeid, clothingtype, gender, lettersize, neck, chest, sleeve, waist, hip inseam

  • Get /api/Sizes/{id}

  • POST /api/Sizes

  • PUT /api/Sizes/{id}

  • Delete /api/Sizes/{id}

Copyright 2022

License MIT

Contact Info: