Code Review 12 (Park Finder)

by Jonathan Delcid

April 24, 2022

In this website, a user is able to look up information on some of their favorite parks!

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • .Net 5
  • REPL
  • MySQL
  • Razor
  • ASP.NET Core

Project Title: ParksLookUp

Project Setup/Installation Instructions

Install C#, .NET, MySQL Community Server and MySQL Workbench

  • Open the terminal on your local machine
  • If C# and .NET are not installed on your local device, follow the instructions here here.
  • If MySQL Community Server and MySQL Workbench are not installed on your local device, follow the instructions here.
  • If dotnet-ef is not installed on your local device, install it globally with the terminal command dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 5.0.2.

Clone the project

  • Open the terminal on your local computer.
  • Navigate to the parent directory of your preference.
  • Clone this project using $ git clone

Scaffold and connect the database

  • Launch the MySQL server with the command mysql -uroot -p[YOUR-PASSWORD-HERE]
  • Navigate to the directory: $ cd Code-Review-12
  • Open in Vs code: $ code .
  • Navigate to the project directory SweetMarket: $ cd ParksLookUp and type the following command in the terminal $ touch appsettings.json
  • In the appsettings.json file enter the following code:
    "ConnectionStrings": {
        "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=jonathan_delcid;uid=root;pwd=[YOUR-PASSWORD-HERE];"
  • Recreate project environment and install required dependencies with terminal command $ dotnet restore
  • Build the program with the command $ dotnet build
  • Scaffold the database with the command $ dotnet ef database update

Run the project

  • Run the program with the command $ dotnet run

Known Bugs

  • None


MIT License Published 2022 Jonathan Declid

Contact Information

If you encounter any issues with this site, please contact Jonathan Delcid at [] Copyright (c) 04/09/2022 Jonathan Delcid