Docker stack

I have more projects all in LAMP ambient but with different configuration. Every time I used simple docker container with the right configuration for the project I use.

It's time to change: I created a unique LAMP docker ambient with more containers (one for each service):

  • web server
  • PHP
  • database
  • (you can add other services)

Now i can change project and configuration simply!


You are up and running in three simple steps:

# Copy the default configuration
cp env .evn
# Edit your configuration
vim .env
# Start multi-container Docker application
docker-compose up



A list of directories with all the containers you can use to compose a LAMP ambient.


Put your project in this directory: docker can't mount your projects if they are out of docker root path.


I use this directory to store databases volumes.


In this directory you can put logs of your containers.