
Rails Engine that extends will_paginate stylings to match the pagination styling conventions in Twitter's Bootstrap toolkit.


Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'will_paginate-bootstrap-style'


Just like you would in the regular will_paginate. If you've got a need to use the default will_paginate stylings, pass an option like so:

<%= will_paginate @collection, renderer: WillPaginate::ActionView::BootstrapLinkRenderer %>

The following options are available (in addition to the options available in will_paginate):

:list_classes = ['pagination']    # Array of classes
:aria_label = 'Page Navigation'   # The aria label to use in the Nav tag
:previous_label = '&laquo;'       # Previous page label
:next_label = '&raquo;'           # Next page label

For example, to place the navigation section to the far right of the page, use this in your view:

<%= will_paginate @clients, list_classes: %w(pagination justify-content-end) %>