
Task delegability data collected from surveys

Survey Data Encodings


  • tech-level: "How would you rate your level of computer proficiency?"
    • 1: Far below average
    • 2: Slightly below average
    • 3: Average
    • 4: Slightly above average
    • 5: Far above average
    • blank: Prefer not to say
  • edu-level: "What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? (If currently enrolled, highest degree received)"
    • 1: Some high school, no diploma, and below
    • 2: High school graduate, diploma or equivalent (for example: GED)
    • 3: Some college credit, no degree
    • 4: Trade/technical/vocational training
    • 5: Bachelor's degree, and above
    • blank: Prefer not to say

Task delegability factors

  • s_social_skills: "This task requires social skills to complete."

    • 1: Strongly disagree
    • 2: Disagree
    • 3: Neutral
    • 4: Agree
    • 5: Strongly agree
  • s_creativity: "This task requires creativity to complete."

    • 1: Strongly disagree
    • 2: Disagree
    • 3: Neutral
    • 4: Agree
    • 5: Strongly agree
  • d_effort: "This task requires a great deal of time or effort to complete."

    • 1: Strongly disagree
    • 2: Disagree
    • 3: Neutral
    • 4: Agree
    • 5: Strongly agree
  • d_expertise: "It takes significant training or expertise to be qualified for this task."

    • 1: Strongly disagree
    • 2: Disagree
    • 3: Neutral
    • 4: Agree
    • 5: Strongly agree
  • d_abilities: "I am confident in my own abilities to complete this task."

    • 1: Strongly disagree
    • 2: Disagree
    • 3: Neutral
    • 4: Agree
    • 5: Strongly agree
  • r_accountable: "In case of mistakes or failure on this task, someone needs to be held accountable."

    • 1: Strongly disagree
    • 2: Disagree
    • 3: Neutral
    • 4: Agree
    • 5: Strongly agree
  • r_uncertainty: "A complex or unpredictable environment/situation is likely to cause this task to fail."

    • 1: Strongly disagree
    • 2: Disagree
    • 3: Neutral
    • 4: Agree
    • 5: Strongly agree
  • r_impact: "Failure would result in a substantial negative impact on my life or the lives of others."

    • 1: Strongly disagree
    • 2: Disagree
    • 3: Neutral
    • 4: Agree
    • 5: Strongly agree
  • m_intrinsic: "I would feel motivated to perform this task, even without needing to; for example, it is fun, interesting, or meaningful to me."

    • 1: Strongly disagree
    • 2: Disagree
    • 3: Neutral
    • 4: Agree
    • 5: Strongly agree
  • m_learning: "I am interested in learning how to master this task, not just in the completing the task."

    • 1: Strongly disagree
    • 2: Disagree
    • 3: Neutral
    • 4: Agree
    • 5: Strongly agree
  • m_important: "I consider this task especially valuable or important; I would feel committed to completing this task because of the value it adds to my life or the lives of others."

    • 1: Strongly disagree
    • 2: Disagree
    • 3: Neutral
    • 4: Agree
    • 5: Strongly agree
  • t_machine_ability: "I trust the AI agent's ability to reliably complete the task."

    • 1: Strongly disagree
    • 2: Disagree
    • 3: Neutral
    • 4: Agree
    • 5: Strongly agree
  • t_process: "Understanding the reasons behind the AI agent's actions is important for me to trust the AI agent on this task (e.g, explanations are necessary)."

    • 1: Strongly disagree
    • 2: Disagree
    • 3: Neutral
    • 4: Agree
    • 5: Strongly agree
  • t_values: "I trust the AI agent's actions to protect my interests and align with my values for this task."

    • 1: Strongly disagree
    • 2: Disagree
    • 3: Neutral
    • 4: Agree
    • 5: Strongly agree
  • label

    • 1: "Full AI automation"
    • 2: "The AI leads and the human assists"
    • 3: "The human leads and the AI assists"
    • 4: "No AI assistance"

Note on label: CSVs encode 4 as Human Only, 1 as Machine Only. This is arbitrary and unrelated to results, since the subjects simply saw an un-numbered list of delegability options in the survey. Our analysis in paper and website, however, uses 1 as Human Only and 4 as Machine Only (axis was flipped in analysis such that a larger number corresponds to higher delegability).