
Django Weather API I built for an interview assignment

Primary LanguagePython

Django Weather API

I used the MetaWeather API to fetch weather data. It can fetch historical weather data as well as up to a five day forecast.

I created an abstract base class to fetch weather so that it can easily be replaced by a different provider or a mock. Replace the WEATHER_CLASS settings value with "api.tests.mock_weather.MockWeather" to use a mock weather class instead.

Files of note:

Setup instructions


System requirements:

  • Python 3.6
  • Virtualenv
  • Pip


cd api
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 venv && source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py runserver

Django might warn you to run migrations, but there's no need to set up a database or run migrations because we're not currently storing anything in a database.

Fetching results:

curl ''

Viewing results in a browser:

Running the tests:

python manage.py test

Formatting files

We use Black to format files:

cd api
source venv/bin/activate
black --exclude ./venv/ ./