
Deploy a containerised website using a CI/CD pipeline with Git and Jenkins



  1. Using VSCode, we will push our website code to our git repository
  2. We will set up a Git job (Git_job) in jenkins to pull our Git code unto our staging server.
  3. We shall set up a build_website job to build the image and deploy the container on the staging server
  4. If and only if the website is successfully deployed on our staging server, our build_website job will trigger the deploy_prod job to pull from git, build the image and deploy the container on our production server

We shall need 3 servers (EC2 - Ubuntu)

  • A Jenkins Server as a master
  • 2 Slaves. A staging server for testing and a production server for production.

1. Let us launch 3 EC2 Instances

Our 3 servers

2. Let us install Jenkins on our Jenkins instance

  • SSH into our 3 instances

ssh into jenkins instance

Let's update the system package repository of each instance

sudo apt-get update

Next we shall install Java on our jenkins,staging and production nodes. The slave machines will need java to connect to jenkins

sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk -y

3. Install Jenkins

curl -fsSL https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable/jenkins.io.key | sudo tee \
  /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc > /dev/null
echo deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc] \
  https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable binary/ | sudo tee \
  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install jenkins

4. Check the jenkins installation status

sudo systemctl status jenkins

Check Jenkins installation

5. Set up Jenkins. Open up port 8080 and go to browser at jenkinsserveripaddress:8080

Jenkins set up

Retrieve the Jenkins default password

sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

Jenkins set up

We shall select install suggested plugins

Create first Admin user

Create Admin user

Jenkins is ready


  • We shall add slave nodes to Jenkins using JNLP connections/protocol

  • Manage Jenkins -- Configure global security ---- Set TCP ports for inbound agents to random

-- Manage Nodes and Clouds

We have one node so far. Built in node. (Our Jenkins Node which is the master.)

---- Let us add new nodes for staging and production

SET THE FOLLOWING for both slave nodes

Remote home directory: /home/ubuntu/jenkins

Launch method: Launch agent by connecting it to the controller/master






Our slave nodes are marked as red above as they are unconnected

We will need to get the connection code from each Jenkins slave node to run on our servers and enable the connection.

Let us run the above code from the command line for the staging and production instances

curl -sO

java -jar agent.jar -jnlpUrl -secret 1bcc07b3adab01e2c33eb0131ef9d7b176f39292b049243ca464140640188b3b -workDir "/home/ubuntu/jenkins"

Nodes are now connected


Now that our nodes are connected, we can start creating a pipeline

We shall copy a git repo to the slaves filesystem with Jenkins (Jenkins master)

The website we shall be deploying will be containerized with docker using Jenkins

  1. Pull source code from Git. Download in docker repository
  2. Containerise code into Apache container
  3. Test code
  4. If successful, push to production


  • Select New Item

-- I will call it Git Job (for simplicity) -- Choose Freestyle Project

-- From our terminal I will create a Git Repository called Ourwebsite and push website code to our remote Git repo.

mkdir website
cd website

sudo vi index.html
<!doctype html>
    <title>Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline with Dele!</title>
    <p>This is a pipeline that uses Git, Docker and Jenkins. CI/CD is sich a <strong>beautiful thing.</strong> Reduce as much human error with <strong>automation.</strong> </p>
git init

git add .

git branch -M main

git remote add origin https://github.com/deleonab/ourwebsite.git

git commit -m "Added website files"

git push origin main

Website Git

We shall now copy the repo link and continue our Jenkins configuration.

Website Git

Sourcecode Management: Git

Repository url: https://github.com/deleonab/ourwebsite.git

Branch specifier: */main

Build Triggers: checkbox select Github hook trigger for gitSCM polling

Restrict where job can be run: staging

Website Git

Website Git

Website Git

The Git Job is done for now

Install Docker on both slaves(staging and production)

sudo apt-get install docker.io

Now we need to create a Dockerfile with which Jenkins will build our image

sudo vi Dockerfile

Download Apache image and add to html directory

FROM hshar/webapp
ADD . /var/www/html

The docker file must also be commited and pushed to our Git repo

git add .

git commit -m "Added Dockerfile to git"

git push origin main

Let's create another Jenkins job

-- Let's create another freestyle project and name it build-Website

  • Restrict execution to staging

  • Click Add build step

  • Select Execute shell option

build website

build website

build website


  • Jenkins instance:
ssh -i "jenkins.pem" ubuntu@ec2-3-236-127-45.compute-1.amazonaws.com

  • Staging Instance:
ssh -i "jenkins.pem" ubuntu@ec2-3-237-255-28.compute-1.amazonaws.com

curl -sO
java -jar agent.jar -jnlpUrl -secret 31399dd628f76d73f982424be393b104b50b0fb9f596e98916b67d42e3b84393 -workDir "/home/ubuntu/jenkins"
  • Production Instance
ssh -i "jenkins.pem" ubuntu@ec2-44-199-249-135.compute-1.amazonaws.com

curl -sO
java -jar agent.jar -jnlpUrl -secret 1bcc07b3adab01e2c33eb0131ef9d7b176f39292b049243ca464140640188b3b -workDir "/home/ubuntu/jenkins"

sudo docker rm -f %(sudo docker ps -a -f)  ### This failed when run
sudo docker rm -f %(sudo docker ps -a -q) ### This was successful and deleted all containers

Let's test to make sure that our staging server can build containers. Our Jenkins build will delete all containers before it builds.

ubuntu@ip-172-31-15-53:~/jenkins$ cd workspace/
ubuntu@ip-172-31-15-53:~/jenkins/workspace$ ls
'Git Job'
ubuntu@ip-172-31-15-53:~/jenkins/workspace$ cd Git\ Job/
ubuntu@ip-172-31-15-53:~/jenkins/workspace/Git Job$ ls
Dockerfile  index.html  test1
ubuntu@ip-172-31-15-53:~/jenkins/workspace/Git Job$ pwd
/home/ubuntu/jenkins/workspace/Git Job
ubuntu@ip-172-31-15-53:~/jenkins/workspace/Git Job$ sudo docker run -it -d ubuntu
Unable to find image 'ubuntu:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/ubuntu
677076032cca: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:9a0bdde4188b896a372804be2384015e90e3f84906b750c1a53539b585fbbe7f
Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:latest
ubuntu@ip-172-31-15-53:~/jenkins/workspace/Git Job$

Ubuntu container was successfully built so we know our server can run docker successfully

Now let us run the Build Website job in Jenkins

Note : Ensure that the build path in Jenkins is the same path as our Git Job path on out slave(staging)

Build Website Jenkins Build step

sudo docker rm -f $(sudo docker ps -a -q)
sudo docker build /home/ubuntu/jenkins/workspace/Git_job -t website
sudo docker run -it -p 82:80 -d website

Let us build the Git_job

Result: Built successfully

Let us build the build_website job

Result: Built successfully

Build success

We can see our deployment on the staging server in our browser



Web page here


All works but we don't yet have a pipeline.

What we have now is the individual jobs that can be built manually

Now, we need to reconfigure out Git_job.

  • Go to post build actions and select build other project
  • We will also select the trigger only if build is stable option.

post build

At this stage, Git_job will trigger build_website.

We now have to make git trigger build job by using web hook actions

  • Let's go to our Github website project > settings > webhook

  • set payload url to jenkins tool


Ensure that the webhook is showing a green tick of success


The next step was to make a change to the index.html file and push it to git.

sudo vi index.html

I edited the file by changing the title and name from Jane Doe to Dele Onabowu and pushed it.

The push triggered the github action which triggered the Git_)job in jenkins which triggered the build_website job to build and deploy our container.

The website was also updated in the browser.


The final stage of our pipeline is to push to production

  • Let's start another Jenkins job called deploy_prod to deploy our website in production

deploy prod

deploy prod

deploy prod

Add build step > Execute shell

sudo docker rm -f $(sudo docker ps -a -q)
sudo docker build /home/ubuntu/jenkins/workspace/deploy_prod -t website
sudo docker run -it -p 82:80 -d website

deploy prod

This job (deploy_prod) will be triggered by the build_website job and will only fire if the build on staging is successful.

We shall now go into Build_website configuration to set up the post build actions.

  • Go to build_website job

deploy prod

If we try to access port 80 on the public IP of our production server, it can't be reached and we are unable to connect

This will become accessible when the triggered deployment happens.

Let us push some more code to git to begin the automation

  1. We edited a line of html code in index.html and pushed to git
  2. The Git job in jenkins eas triggered and this called the build_website job to build the image and deploy the container on the staging server
  3. The successful build_website job triggered the deploy_prod job to pull from git, build the image and deploy the container on the production server

prod deployment

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