
Catawba Language Project is a community project to revitalize the Catawba Language

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WE CAN HAVE MOBILE APPS! https://phonegap.com/products/


  1. Catawba Game!
  2. Upload App
  3. Refactor catawba keyboard

######################################### CATAWBA GAME ######################################## Start simple: a catawba word is shown and options are given Then make it beautiful: RESPONSIVE, MOBILE-FRIENDLY IS A MUST --Add some fun animations using a javascript library Then implement that sometimes it shows english and sometimes catawba Then implement lessons Then implement pictures as the question Then implement login to track how you're doing

########################################## KEYBOARD ########################################## Constructor function that takes a parent div as an argument (should default to "#keyboard") On .show() function will fill the parent div with keys. This should be responsive. if "self.on = true" then it also sets up listeners. There should also be a way to define where the output goes Eventually it should take a keyboadLayout object which defines characters, fonts, etc for the keyboard Should also listen for clicks on the visual keyboard

Is there a library for keyboards? --No, but there is a library for capturing keycodes: Keypress https://dmauro.github.io/Keypress/

Wish List

Do a video series teaching how to make a tribal keyboards using Catawba as an example
--Start by teaching a basic HTML document
--Show how to download the keyboard.js and include in HTML