
PHP based server side component for ACRA (crash reporting library for Android apps) which forwards all incoming crash reports to a defined mail address.

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Simple PHP based server side component for ACRA (crash reporting library for Android apps) which forwards all incoming crash reports to a defined mail address. The stack trace is additionally attached as an TXT file to allow easier retracing of ProGuard obfuscated source code.


  • A web server with PHP support
  • ACRA added to your Android app



  1. Edit the configuration at the top of the acra.php file. Set appropriate mail addresses there.
// Configuration
$to = 'your@mail.com';
$from = 'your@mail.com';
  1. Upload the acra.php file to your PHP supporting web server.

To prevent unauthorized access to the acra.php file you should password protect it, e.g. by using a .htaccess file if supported by your web server.

  1. Edit the .htpasswd file and replace the username/password combination with your secret credentials. The username/password combination can be generated e.g. on this website. You can also re-use an existing .htpasswd file if available.
  2. Upload the .htpasswd file to your web server.

WARNING: For security reasons you should never upload a .htpasswd file to a folder accessible from the Internet!

  1. Edit the .htaccess file and set the correct path to the .htpasswd file above.
AuthUserFile /path/to/your/.htpasswd
  1. Upload the .htaccess file to the same folder as the acra.php file.

ACRA (Quick Start)

The full documentation of ACRA is available on www.acra.ch, the following section is just a quick start to use ACRA together with the ACRA PHP Mailer.

  1. Add ACRA as dependency to your app module Gradle file:
dependencies {
    ... your other dependencies...
    compile "ch.acra:acra:4.7.0"
  1. Create or update an Application subclass and add ACRA to it:
    formUri = "http://www.your.url/acra.php",
    formUriBasicAuthLogin = "your username", // optional
    formUriBasicAuthPassword = "your password",  // optional
    reportType = org.acra.sender.HttpSender.Type.JSON,
    sendReportsAtShutdown = false
public class MyApplication extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {
  1. Reference the new Application class in your Android Manifest:
  1. Obviously, your app will need the INTERNET permission:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
  1. Update your ProGuard file to keep ACRA classes, all details can be found here:
-renamesourcefileattribute SourceFile
-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable
-keep class org.acra.** { *; }
  1. Done, from now on you should receive a mail every time your app crashes!