
A curated list of bookmarks, packages, tutorials, videos and other cool resources from the Laravel ecosystem

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A curated list of awesome bookmarks, packages, tutorials, videos and other cool resources from the Laravel ecosystem.

Inspired by ziadoz/awesome-php

Table of Contents


Code Snippets


Popular Packages

This is a list of well-documented, tested packages that are frequently used in Laravel projects. If you're looking for an exhaustive list of PHP packages, then check out the Package Repositories mentioned above.

Developer Tools
Debugging & Profiling
  • Clockwork - Integrates Clockwork Chrome extension for debugging and profiling apps
  • Debug Bar - Integrates PHP Debug Bar with Laravel
  • Laravel 5 Log Viewer - Log viewer
  • LogViewer - Provides a log viewer for Laravel 5
  • LERN - LERN is a Laravel 5 package that will record exceptions into a database and will send you a notification
  • Mail Preview - Preview sent mail in a web browser or mail client
  • Laravel Tracy - A Laravel Package to integrate Nette Tracy Debugger
  • Laravel API Tester - Postman-like tool with Laravel routes
Authentication & Authorisation
Working with Javascript
  • Laroute - Generate Laravel route URLs from JavaScript
  • PHP Vars to JavaScript Transformer - Pass server-side string/array/collection/whatever to JavaScript
  • Javascript Validation - Use validation rules, messages, FormRequest and validators to validate forms in client side without need to write any Javascript code
Databases, ORMs, Migrations & Seeding
  • Algolia Search - Integrates the Algolia Search API to the Laravel Eloquent ORM
  • Elasticquent - Elasticsearch for Eloquent models
  • Plastic - Fluently mapping and searching Elasticsearch
  • Laravel Search - Unified API for Elasticsearch, Algolia, and ZendSearch
  • SearchIndex - Store and retrieve objects from Algolia or Elasticsearch
  • Searchable - Trait that adds a simple search function to Eloquent models
  • TNTSearch - A fully featured full text search engine written in PHP
  • ApiGuard - Allow API authentication with API keys
  • Dingo API - Multi-purpose toolkit for developing RESTful APIs
  • Laravel CORS - Add CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers support
  • Laravel Fractal - Output complex, flexible, AJAX/RESTful data structures with Fractal in Laravel and Lumen
Tasks, Commands and Scheduling
  • Dispatcher - Scheduler for Artisan commands
  • Elixir - Node(NPM) package to run Gulp tasks that watch files, run tests, minify CSS, concatenate scripts etc.
  • Envoy - SSH Task Runner
Third-party Service Integration

Development Setup

Application Hosting

Application Deployment

Articles, Tutorials, Blogs etc.





Starter Projects

Codebases for Reference

  • 92Five - Project management application
  • Cachet - Status page system for websites and APIs
  • Deployer - Application deployment system
  • Invoice Ninja - Invoicing, expenses, & time-tracking application
  • Koel - Personal music streaming server
  • Laravel Tricks - Source for the Laravel Tricks website
  • Laravel.io - Source for the Laravel.io Community Portal
  • Paperwork - Note-taking & archiving application
  • PHPHub - Forum and source for the PHP & Laravel China community
  • Flarum - Delightfully simple forum
  • Laramap - Source of Laramap.com
  • Attendize - Ticket selling and event management platform
  • Katana - Static site/blog generator with markdown support
  • Antvel - Ecommerce platform
  • Jigsaw - Static site generator
  • Canvas - Minimal Blogging Application For Developers.
  • Vuedo - Vuedo is blog platform, built with Laravel and Vue.js
  • Screeenly - Create website screenshots through an API

Content Management Systems




Local User Groups


Hosted Development Tools



Found an awesome package, blog, video etc.? Send me a pull request!


  • Please make an individual pull request for each suggestion
  • Make sure the Travis tests pass on your pull request
  • Use the following format for links: [Resource](URL)
  • Want to suggest a package? Read the Contribution Guide
  • New categories or improvements to the existing categorization are welcome


CC BY 4.0

Awesome Laravel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.