
Example of combining Terraform and Ansible to deploy and manage infrastructure

Primary LanguageHCL


Here's our repo used to manage DA Compute environment in SJC DMZ with code.

Managing vSphere with Terraform


Credentials are intentionally not included in these files to avoid a security vulnerability.

The variables containing the username, password, and IP (or FQDN) are flagged as sensitive so Terraform will prompt you for values to these variables when you run tereraform apply.

Alternatively, you can create your own secret.tfvars file with the following contents:

# vSphere credentials and IP address or FQDN
vsphere_user = "<the vsphere admin username goes here>"
vsphere_password = "<the vsphere admin password goes here>"
vsphere_server = "<the vsphere IP address or FQDN goes here>"

Then, you can include the file by running terraform apply -var-file="secret.tfvars"