Utility class for easy access to the device location on Android
- 5
Cannot resolve
#26 opened by Gowda96 - 3
Lat : 0, Lon : 0
#27 opened by SezerFidanci - 2
- 12
Received first coordinates (not 0, 0), but values did not update afterward.
#40 opened by khaleelasyraaf - 3
Cannot resolve method 'getTimestampInMilliseconds()'
#39 opened by dbao7 - 1
passiveMode, what does it mean ?
#38 opened by kmIndonesia - 3
Not working in Android 10 real device
#37 opened by okynk - 1
Works only first time then It does not work
#36 opened by Mirodil - 1
Is this library working on background process
#34 opened by hafiz013 - 1
GPS UTC time?
#31 opened by makrolika - 1
calculateDistance not found
#25 opened by yogeshpaliyal - 5
- 1
Speed is 0.0 and interval is not decreased
#29 opened by aminabyaneh - 1
Location tracking failed on background
#28 opened by MuthuSubramaniam - 10
- 1
- 1
I've just copy+paste the code but returns 0.0
#24 opened by apimyself - 4
get accuracy
#13 opened by luchusnet - 1
#23 opened by valtterjonas - 3
Getting latitude and longitude 0.0
#22 opened by Sidhartha03 - 3
lat, lng is 0
#20 opened by jinesh08 - 6
- 4
- 7
Get zero latitude and longitude
#15 opened by SanjayGubaju - 1
Get LatLong with Address
#18 opened by Ramonzo - 2
Fatal Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{de.tobin.anlagenstammblatt/de.tobin.anlagenstammblatt.MainActivity}: android.util.AndroidRuntimeException: Calling startActivity() from outside of an Activity context requires the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag. Is this really what you want?
#16 opened by Nibot1 - 1
It giving me error in onResume() " Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: "gps" location provider requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission." though i have given permission in manifest file
#14 opened by sagarchaure21 - 2
Course location working, but not Fine location
#11 opened by VernonCK - 1
Not getting location when asking a new one
#12 opened by facundomedica - 3
auto select network or gps ?
#10 opened by moshlp - 3
Location not working
#7 opened by shethmanan - 2
Lat and Long both are 0.0
#9 opened by hiteshsahu - 2
dependecy not found
#8 opened by vck - 1
Gradle Compile
#5 opened by Zapnologica - 6
Difference between SimpleLocation(this, false, false, 5000); and SimpleLocation(this, true, false, 5000); ?
#4 opened by jasminesymonds - 7
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