Free database of geographic place names and corresponding geospatial data
- 0xmtnAgcurate BV.
- abiank
- AdamBear
- akbarwibawajogja, indonesia
- alexlandPalo Alto, CA
- ecthiender@hasura
- evandrixUndisclosed
- francbartoli@geobeyond
- HankG
- hunslaterBudapest
- Igcorreia@igcorreia-com @Illus-on
- jhcloos
- jimbolimbo3ManyDesigns srl.
- kliu102
- LaxFreelancer
- mayuluISV
- maze-leDigital Workout GmbH
- mikeandersunInternet
- ocram@delight-im
- odixon
- pawankBangalore, India
- pmwoodward3
- publicbull
- rbistolfi@Udaptive @vitalsource
- rlcarrcaBoston, MA
- rogeriogarciaBelo Horizonte / MG / Brasil
- scratcher28Russia
- TheITJugglerSydney, Australia
- thisnull
- torax242SAP SE (though this is my personal account)
- travisfontLuxembourg / USA
- trung-ng@saolahq
- uretgecIzmir, Turkey
- wjcrowcroft
- xz8888
- yurybinfinery, Inc.