- 2
Transactions not rolling back?
#26 opened by l0gicnz - 1
Parameter in SELECT or JOIN
#25 opened by andrewteg - 4
Example of IN statement
#7 opened by aggarwaldev - 2
Feature request, fetching as a class
#24 opened by Stonebubble - 0
#23 opened by zebalatrades - 2
Count of retrieved rows and selecting 1 entry
#22 opened by nssnl - 1
Delete multi element with array of ids
#21 opened by daebak74 - 2
Perform operations with the fields
#20 opened by brahimbjz - 1
Input escaping
#19 opened by tmblog - 1
Schema issue with Postgres
#18 opened by vulantro - 1
How does function getLastInsertId work?
#17 opened by vulantro - 1
Logging user activity in db
#16 opened by vulantro - 4
Provide access to underlying PDO
#15 opened by bfinlay - 2
- 8
how to keep connection Presistent?
#2 opened by AdamSEY - 7
- 4
Usage of quoteTableName() with PostgreSQL tables
#11 opened by MB34 - 8
Need schema support for PostgreSQL
#9 opened by MB34 - 5
Fix charset or encoding support for PostgreSQL
#10 opened by ocram - 2
mysql Transactions
#8 opened by AdamSEY - 3
Unable to execute LIKE statements
#6 opened by creativenoobie - 5
- 2
transactions example
#3 opened by AdamSEY - 4
using "while" statement while "selecting"
#1 opened by AdamSEY