- 0
Some objects are present twice
#37 opened by Rayyze - 0
No Open Source License
#36 opened by AdrianEdelen - 1
Some data is missing
#33 opened by TanavT - 0
- 0
- 0
Add character creation options
#28 opened by CristianoStav - 0
Small error in Boss by ID documentation
#26 opened by jakeahumphreys - 2
#24 opened by JorisDeRidder42 - 0
- 0
Upgraded weapon stats
#21 opened by MrManlyPrincess - 2
Inconsistency with Weapon Category
#17 opened by RyanGreenburg - 1
Rounded Values + nulls where 0s should be
#19 opened by ItamiKyojin - 2
data.requires[{ inconsistent array}]
#16 opened by TheRayCannon - 3
Eccentric's Manchettes description is incorrect
#10 opened by kartikdc - 2
Issue querying stats on Class
#11 opened by RyanGreenburg - 1
#12 opened by willsoto - 2
GQL Search not functioning like REST
#8 opened by RyanGreenburg - 2
Making an iOS app
#2 opened by Dimillian - 2
ashesofwar api endpoint could not be found
#3 opened by Tr4shL0rd - 2
return total amount
#1 opened by jon4hz