Terraform Kafka Topic Provider


This repo has been forked from https://github.com/travisjeffery/terraform-provider-kafka


This is a Terraform provider for managing Kafka topics with Terraform.

Why use this Kafka provider?

  • Supports adding partitions and altering configs
  • Supports TLS/SASL
  • Uses Kafka's new admin APIs rather than shelling out to old bash scripts


  1. Download the latest compiled binary from GitHub releases.

  2. Unzip/untar the archive.

  3. Move it into $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins:

$ mkdir -p $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins
$ mv terraform-provider-kafka $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform-provider-kafka
  1. Create your Terraform configurations as normal, and run terraform init:
$ terraform init
This will find the plugin locally.


  1. Create a Terraform configuration file:
provider "kafka" {
  hosts = ["localhost:9092"]

resource "kafka_topic" "example" {
  name: "example"
  num_partitions: "8"
  replication_factor: "1"
  config_entries: {
      retention.bytes: "102400"
      cleanup.policy: "compact

There's parameters to set if you use TLS/SASL.

  1. Run terraform init to pull in the provider:
$ terraform init
  1. Run terraform plan and terraform apply to interact with the filesystem:
$ terraform plan

$ terraform apply

Importing topics

This provider supports importing externally created topics by their name. Assuming you've already created a topic declaration like the one above, you can get Terraform to manage the state of the existing topic:

$ terraform import kafka_topic.example example


For more examples, please see the examples folder in this repository.
