Purpose ------- The goal of Recite is to provide a simple and fast interface for the Dell Lifecycle Controller API. It has an interactive mode that is useful to run one off commands against a server as well as batch mode to allow automating a sequence of operations. Getting Recite -------------- Recite is provided as a standalone Python script. A Windows executable that bundles the required Python environment is also available. Recite is available on Dell TechCenter: http://dell.to/recite-wsman The Recite source code can be checked out of GIT as follows: git clone http://linux.dell.com/git/recite.git Contact ------- To get help or to provide feedback, recommendations or even patches, send a note to the linux-poweredge@dell.com mailing list. Sign up for the mailing list here: https://lists.us.dell.com/mailman/listinfo/linux-poweredge Requirements ------------ Client: Python version 2.4, 2.5 or 2.6 Windows XP or greater with Windows Remote Management (winrm) Linux with Web Services for Management client (wsmancli) Builds available here: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show?package=wsmancli&project=systemsmanagement%3Awbem Server: Dell 11G servers iDRAC Enterprise 1.70 (racks and towers), 3.21 (blades) or greater Dell Lifecycle Controller 1.5 or greater Dell 12G servers Documentation ------------- This README document goes over many of the features and capabilities of Recite. An introductory presentation that describes Recite is also available. Features - Simple and consistent interface to generate WS-MAN commands - Report generation with simple filtering - Tab completion assistance in interactive mode - Expansion of available methods, shortcuts and declared variables - Contextual completion of properties returned in WS-MAN output - Minimal scripting environment to create simple workflows - Find content in WS-MAN returned data - Variable support to store and reuse data - Support for simple logic, looping and sleeps - Script file support to batch commands - Usable as a Python module with a simple API Getting Started --------------- Following are some typical commands to get started using Recite and the LC remote API. Basic Inventory Set target machine IP > set $IP > set $IP idrac.dell.com Get system information > GetSystemViews Get firmware levels > GetSoftwareIdentities Get all BIOS attributes > GetBIOSEnumerations > GetBIOSStrings > GetBIOSIntegers Get NIC details > GetNICViews > GetNICEnumerations > GetNICStrings > GetNICIntegers Get RAID details > GetControllerViews > GetVirtualDiskViews > GetPhysicalDiskViews > GetRAIDEnumerations > GetRAIDStrings > GetRAIDIntegers Job Queue > GetLifecycleJobs Executing a job Get value NumLock > GetBIOSEnumeration InstanceID=BIOS.Setup.1-1:NumLock Set to new value (if On, set to Off and vice versa) > SetBIOSAttribute Target=BIOS.Setup.1-1 AttributeName=NumLock AttributeValue=Off Create a job to execute > CreateBIOSConfigJob Target=BIOS.Setup.1-1 RebootJobType=1 Save job ID just returned > Find InstanceID $jid Poll job ID for completion > Until JobStatus=Completed GetLifecycleJob InstanceID=$jid Show new value of NumLock > GetBIOSEnumeration InstanceID=BIOS.Setup.1-1:NumLock Command line ------------ python recite.py [NAME1=VALUE1 NAME2=VALUE2] ["CMD1" "CMD2" ...] [batch1.win batch2.win] [FLAGS] Set variable $NAME1 to VALUE1, $NAME2 to VALUE2 ... Execute CMD1, CMD2 in order ... Execute batch scripts in order and exit ... Enter interactive mode if no scripts specified Flags: -q = exit after executing all commands When multiple IPs specified:- -c = close instance foreground windows on exit -pX = maximum parallel instances at a time (default: 10) -s = run instances silently, output appended to $IP.log python recite.py IP=,,idrac.dell.com Spawn three instances of Recite in separate windows, each with IP specified python recite.py IP=username:password@ Set $IP, $LOGIN and $PASS with a single assignment python recite.py IP=username@ Set $IP and $LOGIN and prompt for password on commandline for security purposes python recite.py IP=username:password@,username@idrac.dell.com Spawn two intances with specfied $IP, $LOGIN and $PASS, prompt for password in latter python recite.py IP=,username@ Specify IP ranges on commandline python recite.py IP=IP.ini Load IPs from file, one per line, user:pass@ or user@, user:pass@, user@ idrac.dell.com, user:pass@idrac.dell.com or user@idrac.dell.com # comments a line python recite.py IP= GetRSStatus GetLifecycleJobs Execute GetRSStatus and GetLifecycleJobs on specified IP Commands -------- Most of the API methods exposed by the Dell Lifecycle Controller WSMAN interface are supported. CQL, WQL and association filters can be used with -cql, -wql and -assoc flags. E.g. GetiDRACCardAttributes -cql="select * from DCIM_iDRACCardAttribute where GroupDisplayName='iDRAC Users' and AttributeName='UserName'" The script also provides a list of common internal commands to allow for minimal programmatic functionality. These include:- Command Shortcut ------- -------- Batch Clear Context // Count + Find / Findall /* Gosub >> Goto > If ? Log Print < Report << Return Set $ Sleep Unset ~$ Until { Use the help command in interactive mode to see further details on all available commands and methods and the required syntax. Apart from the syntax described in help, commands can also be concatenated on methods. This allows for a cleaner syntax. E.g. CreateRAIDConfigJob Target=$ctlr RebootJobType=3 {ReturnValue=4096 /$jid=InstanceID Perform Until loop On success, perform Find operation GetRSStatus {Status=Reloading {Status=Ready Perform Until looking for Status=Reloading Perform Until looking for Status=Ready GetLifecycleJobs +$njob ?$njob=1 >End Count number of jobs If only one job, Goto End Script execution is terminated if: - A command returns an error. E.g. Find, Context, etc. - A method returns no data. E.g. GetPhysicalDiskViews when no disks are present. - A command has a syntax error In order to ignore such errors and resume execution, prepend command with a -. For example: -Find InstanceID $id -GetPhysicalDiskViews Variables --------- Settable variables The following variables are loaded from environment variables if available. If not, they are default initialized as specified. $FORMAT WS-MAN output is formatted as specified. Default: "normal" Set $FORMAT xml Set $FORMAT prettyxml $IP IP or hostname of the iDRAC against which WS-MAN commands are to be executed. Default: "" Set $IP Set $IP idrac.dell.com Set $IP username:password@ Set $IP username@ $LOGIN iDRAC username with WS-MAN privileges. Default: username Set $LOGIN username $PASS iDRAC password. Default: password Set $PASS dell $PORT Port on the iDRAC against where WS-MAN service is listening. Default: 443 Set $PORT 4443 $PROGRAM Set to True to use Recite interactively from an external program. Returns all output in XML format for easy interop. Forces: $FORMAT = xml $VERBOSE = 1 $TIMER If True, display time taken by WS-MAN command. Default: False Set $TIMER True $USLEEP Default sleep delay in seconds used by until commands between method invocations. Set $USLEEP 20 $UTIMEOUT Default total delay in seconds used by until commands before giving up. Set $UTIMEOUT 900 $VERBOSE Control level of output from Recite Set $VERBOSE x where x is: 0: Quiet 1: WS-MAN 2: Full Internal variables $_BATCHFILE Name of current batch file (including path) with \ and / replaced with _. $_DATE Current date and time in yyyymmddhhmmss format. $_LOCALIP IP of the local system where script is running. $_LINE Current line number in a batch script. Interactive help ---------------- Following is the current list of functions currently supported by Recite. For additional information on a specific command, type "help <function>". --> help INTERNAL METHODS ---------------- Batch Clear Context Count Exit Find Findall Gosub Goto Help If Log Print Quit Report Return Set Sleep Unset Until BACKUP RESTORE METHODS ---------------------- BackupImage RestoreImage BIOS METHODS ------------ ChangePassword CreateBIOSConfigJob DeletePendingBIOSConfiguration GetBIOSEnumeration GetBIOSEnumerations GetBIOSInteger GetBIOSIntegers GetBIOSString GetBIOSStrings SetBIOSAttribute SetBIOSAttributes BOOT METHODS ------------ ChangeBootOrderByInstanceID ChangeBootSourceState GetBootConfigSetting GetBootConfigSettings GetBootSourceSetting GetBootSourceSettings iDRAC METHODS ------------- ApplyAttribute ApplyAttributes CreateiDRACConfigJob DeletePendingiDRACConfiguration GetiDRACCardAttributes GetiDRACCardEnumeration GetiDRACCardEnumerations GetiDRACCardInteger GetiDRACCardIntegers GetiDRACCardString GetiDRACCardStrings GetiDRACCardView GetiDRACCardViews SetiDRACAttribute SetiDRACAttributes EVENT FILTER METHODS -------------------- GetEventFilterView GetEventFilterViews SetEventFilterByCategory SetEventFilterByInstanceIDs JOB METHODS ----------- CreateRebootJob DeleteJobQueue GetLifecycleJob GetLifecycleJobs SetupJobQueue LC METHODS ---------- ClearProvisioningServer CreateLCConfigJob ExportFactoryConfiguration ExportHWInventory ExportLCLog GetLCEnumeration GetLCEnumerations GetLCInteger GetLCIntegers GetLCString GetLCStrings GetRSStatus GetRemoteServicesAPIStatus InsertCommentInLCLog ReInitiateDHS SetLCAttribute SetLCAttributes LICENSE METHODS --------------- DeleteLicense ExportLicense ExportLicenseByDevice ExportLicenseByDeviceToNetworkShare ExportLicenseToNetworkShare GetLicensableDevice GetLicensableDevices GetLicense GetLicenses ImportLicense ImportLicenseFromNetworkShare ReplaceLicense ShowLicenseBits NIC METHODS ----------- CreateNICConfigJob DeletePendingNICConfiguration GetNICAttributes GetNICCapabilities GetNICCapability GetNICEnumeration GetNICEnumerations GetNICInteger GetNICIntegers GetNICStatistic GetNICStatistics GetNICString GetNICStrings GetNICView GetNICViews SetNICAttribute SetNICAttributes OSD METHODS ----------- BootToHD BootToISOFromVFlash BootToNetworkISO BootToPXE ConnectNetworkISOImage ConnectRFSISOImage DeleteISOFromVFlash DetachDrivers DetachISOFromVFlash DetachISOImage DisconnectNetworkISOImage DisconnectRFSISOImage DownloadISOToVFlash GetDriverPackInfo GetHostMACInfo GetNetworkISOImageConnectionInfo GetOSDConcreteJob GetOSDConcreteJobs GetRFSISOImageConnectionInfo SkipISOImageBoot UnpackAndAttach UnpackAndShare POWER METHODS ------------- RequestPowerStateChange RequestStateChange PROFILE METHODS --------------- GetCIMRegisteredProfile GetCIMRegisteredProfiles GetLCRegisteredProfile GetLCRegisteredProfiles RAID METHODS ------------ AssignSpare CheckVDValues ClearForeignConfig ConvertToNonRAID ConvertToRAID CreateRAIDConfigJob CreateVirtualDisk DeletePendingRAIDConfiguration DeleteVirtualDisk EnableControllerEncryption GetAvailableDisks GetControllerView GetControllerViews GetDHSDisks GetEnclosureView GetEnclosureViews GetPhysicalDiskView GetPhysicalDiskViews GetRAIDEnumeration GetRAIDEnumerations GetRAIDInteger GetRAIDIntegers GetRAIDLevels GetRAIDString GetRAIDStrings GetVirtualDiskView GetVirtualDiskViews LockVirtualDisk ReKey RemoveControllerKey ResetConfig SetControllerKey SetRAIDAttribute SetRAIDAttributes UnassignSpare RECORD LOG METHODS ------------------ GetLCLogEntries GetLCLogEntry GetLCRecordLogCapabilities GetLCRecordLogs GetSystemEventLogCapabilities GetSystemEventLogEntries GetSystemEventLogs SetLCLogEntryComment ROLE BASED AUTHORIZATION ------------------------ GetUsersAssignedCLPPrivileges GetUsersAssignedLANPrivileges GetUsersAssignedSerialOverLANPrivileges SENSOR METHODS -------------- GetSensorView GetSensorViews SetSensorThreshold SERVICE METHODS --------------- GetAssociatedPowerManagementService GetClass GetEFConfigurationService GetEPR GetPowerManagementService SYSTEM METHODS -------------- CreateSystemConfigJob DeletePendingSystemConfiguration GetCPUView GetCPUViews GetComputerSystems GetFanView GetFanViews GetMemoryView GetMemoryViews GetPowerSupplyView GetPowerSupplyViews GetSystemAttributes GetSystemEnumeration GetSystemEnumerations GetSystemInteger GetSystemIntegers GetSystemString GetSystemStrings GetSystemView GetSystemViews GetVideoView GetVideoViews SetSystemAttribute SetSystemAttributes UPDATE METHODS -------------- GetSoftwareIdentities GetSoftwareIdentity InstallFromURI VFLASH MANAGEMENT METHODS ------------------------- AttachPartition CreatePartition CreatePartitionUsingImage DeletePartition DetachPartition ExportDataFromPartition FormatPartition GetVFlashPartitionViews GetVFlashView GetVFlashViews InitializeMedia ModifyPartition VFlashStateChange Python API ---------- Given Recite's limited programmatic capabilities, complex workflows that require more power are better of written in Python. Using Recite as a library is fairly simple. The code below demonstrates how to use Recite as a Python module. import recite # Get the current verbosity level print recite.get_verbosity() # Set the verbosity level recite.set_verbosity(0) # Set logfile to capture all WS-MAN data recite.set_logfile("filename.txt") # Set IP details if recite.process("Set $IP username:password@"): print "Succeeded" # Execute a simple command if recite.process("GetRSStatus"): print "Succeeded" # Execute a script file if recite.batch(filepath): print "Succeeded" # Execute a list of commands commands = """ CreateBIOSConfigJob Target=BIOS.Setup.1-1 RebootJobType=3 {ReturnValue=4096 /$jid=InstanceID GetLifecycleJob InstanceID=$jid {JobStatus=Completed GetRSStatus {Status=Reloading {Status=Ready """ if recite.batch("workflow-name", commands): print "Succeeded" # Obtain the command line of the last WS-MAN command print recite.get_input() # Obtain the input XML of the last WS-MAN command (if applicable) print recite.get_inputxml() # Obtain the output of the last WS-MAN command print recite.get_output() # Obtain the XML output of the last WS-MAN command xml = recite.get_outputxml() # Obtain the XML object output of the last WS-MAN command xml = recite.get_outputxmlobj() # Get the full path to the script executing currently path = recite.get_curr_scriptpath()