
Hardware discovery and configuration component of Crowbar

Primary LanguageShell

This file documents the process needed to create Sledgehammer on a non-Redhat

1: Download a CentOS 5.7 install DVD from bittorent or your favourite mirror.
2: Ensure that you have ruby, rpm, and rpm2cpio installed on your build system.
3: If you are not building the Sledgehammer image as root, ensure that you
   have sudo rights to the following commands:
   mount umount cp rm cpio chroot
4: Make sure build_sledgehammer.sh knows where to find the CentOS DVD:
   export CENTOS_ISO=/path/to/CentOS-5.7-x86_64-bin-DVD-1of2.iso
5: Run build_sledgehammer.sh from the checkout:

The build script will create a basic chroot install of CentOS, bootstrap
yum in it, download and install everything else needed to create sledgehammer,
and then create a tarball of the tftpboot image in 