
A step by step guide on creating build and deployment pipelines for Kubernetes... using Drone CI !


The pipeline tutorial walks you through creating an end-to-end deployment pipeline using Drone CI, GitHub, and multiple Kubernetes clusters.

This tutorial will demonstrate how to propagate a Kubernetes deployment through multiple environments, each backed by a dedicated Kubernetes cluster, using a collection of Kubernetes manifest files across a set of GitHub repositories representing each environment.

The use of multiple Kubernetes clusters and GitHub repositories enables fine grained access control for each environment and streamlines automated build steps targeting those environments.


This tutorial takes HEAVY INSPIRATION from Kelsey Hightower's Pipeline - Thanks, Kelsey!

The Application

This tutorial will set up a pipeline to deploy the pipeline application, a simple Go application with the following HTTP endpoints:

  • / - responds with "Hello world!"
  • /health - responds with HTTP status code 200
  • /version - responds with the application version (v2.0.0)


