Audio Recognition C# SDK


ACRCloud provides Automatic Content Recognition services for Audio Fingerprinting based applications such as Audio Recognition (supports music, video, ads for both online and offline), Broadcast Monitoring, Second Screen, Copyright Protection and etc.

This audio recognition C# SDK support most of audio / video files.

Audio: mp3, wav, m4a, flac, aac, amr, ape, ogg ...
Video: mp4, mkv, wmv, flv, ts, avi ...


Follow one of the tutorials to create a project and get your host, access_key and access_secret.

Windows Runtime Library

If you run the SDK on Windows, you must install this library.
X86: download and install Library(vcredist_x86.exe)
x64: download and install Library(vcredist_x64.exe)


  1. You must not modify package name "com.acrcloud.utils".
  2. If you run the SDK on Windows, you must install library(vcredist).
  3. If you are developing C++ project, also can use "libacrcloud_extr_tool.dll"


Introduction all API.


class ACRCloudRecognizer
  public String RecognizeByFile(String filePath, int startSeconds);
      *  recognize by file path of (Audio/Video file)
      *          Audio: mp3, wav, m4a, flac, aac, amr, ape, ogg ...
      *          Video: mp4, mkv, wmv, flv, ts, avi ...
      *  @param filePath query file path
      *  @param startSeconds skip (startSeconds) seconds from from the beginning of (filePath)
      *  @return result metainfos
  public String RecognizeByFileBuffer(byte[] fileBuffer, int fileBufferLen, int startSeconds);
      *  recognize by buffer of (Audio/Video file)
      *          Audio: mp3, wav, m4a, flac, aac, amr, ape, ogg ...
      *          Video: mp4, mkv, wmv, flv, ts, avi ...
      *  @param fileBuffer query buffer
      *  @param fileBufferLen the length of fileBufferLen 
      *  @param startSeconds skip (startSeconds) seconds from from the beginning of fileBuffer
      *  @return result metainfos
  public string Recognize(byte[] wavAudioBuffer, int wavAudioBufferLen);
      *  recognize by wav audio buffer(RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 8000 Hz) 
      *  @param wavAudioBuffer query audio buffer
      *  @param wavAudioBufferLen the length of wavAudioBuffer
      *  @return result metainfos

class ACRCloudExtrTool {
  public byte[] CreateFingerprint(byte[] pcmBuffer, int pcmBufferLen, bool isDB);
    *  create "ACRCloud Fingerprint" by wav audio buffer(RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 8000 Hz) 
    *  @param pcmBuffer query audio buffer
    *  @param pcmBufferLen the length of wavAudioBuffer
    *  @param isDB   If it is True, it will create db frigerprint; 
    *  @return result "ACRCloud Fingerprint"
  public byte[] CreateFingerprintByFile(string filePath, int startTimeSeconds, int audioLenSeconds, bool isDB);
    *  create "ACRCloud Fingerprint" by file path of (Audio/Video file)
    *          Audio: mp3, wav, m4a, flac, aac, amr, ape, ogg ...
    *          Video: mp4, mkv, wmv, flv, ts, avi ...
    *  @param filePath query file path
    *  @param startTimeSeconds skip (startSeconds) seconds from from the beginning of (filePath)
    *  @param audioLenSeconds Length of audio data you need. if you create recogize frigerprint, default is 12 seconds, if you create db frigerprint, it is not usefully; 
    *  @param isDB   If it is True, it will create db frigerprint; 
    *  @return result "ACRCloud Fingerprint"
  public byte[] CreateFingerprintByFileBuffer(byte[] fileBuffer, int fileBufferLen, int startTimeSeconds, int audioLenSeconds, bool isDB)
    *  create "ACRCloud Fingerprint" by file buffer of (Audio/Video file)
    *          Audio: mp3, wav, m4a, flac, aac, amr, ape, ogg ...
    *          Video: mp4, mkv, wmv, flv, ts, avi ...
    *  @param fileBuffer data buffer of input file
    *  @param fileBufferLen  length of fileBuffer
    *  @param startTimeSeconds skip (startSeconds) seconds from from the beginning of (filePath)
    *  @param audioLenSeconds Length of audio data you need. if you create recogize frigerprint, default is 12 seconds, if you create db frigerprint, it is not usefully; 
    *  @param isDB   If it is True, it will create db frigerprint; 
    *  @return result "ACRCloud Fingerprint"
  public byte[] DecodeAudioByFile(string filePath, int startTimeSeconds, int audioLenSeconds);
      *  decode audio from file path of (Audio/Video file)
      *          Audio: mp3, wav, m4a, flac, aac, amr, ape, ogg ...
      *          Video: mp4, mkv, wmv, flv, ts, avi ...
      *  @param filePath query file path
      *  @param startTimeSeconds skip (startSeconds) seconds from from the beginning of (filePath)
      *  @param audioLenSeconds Length of audio data you need, if it is 0, will decode all the audio;  
      *  @return result audio data(formatter:RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 8000 Hz)
  public byte[] DecodeAudioByFileBuffer(byte[] fileBuffer, int fileBufferLen, int startTimeSeconds, int audioLenSeconds)
      *  decode audio from file buffer of (Audio/Video file)
      *          Audio: mp3, wav, m4a, flac, aac, amr, ape, ogg ...
      *          Video: mp4, mkv, wmv, flv, ts, avi ...
      *  @param fileBuffer data buffer of input file
      *  @param fileBufferLen  length of fileBuffer
      *  @param startTimeSeconds skip (startSeconds) seconds from from the beginning of (filePath)
      *  @param audioLenSeconds Length of audio data you need, if it is 0, will decode all the audio;  
      *  @return result audio data(formatter:RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 8000 Hz)

    *  get duration from file buffer of (Audio/Video file)
    *          Audio: mp3, wav, m4a, flac, aac, amr, ape, ogg ...
    *          Video: mp4, mkv, wmv, flv, ts, avi ...
    *  @param filePath query file path 
    *  @return duration ms
   public int GetDurationMillisecondByFile(string filePath)


ACRCloudRecognitionTest is a VS2010 Project.
You need to replace "XXXXXXXX" below with your project's host, access_key and access_secret, and run it.

void Main(string[] args)
        var config = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        config.Add("host", "XXXXXXX");
        config.Add("access_key", "XXXXXXXX");
        config.Add("access_secret", "XXXXXXXX");
        config.Add("timeout", 10); // seconds

          *  recognize by file path of (Formatter: Audio/Video)
          *     Audio: mp3, wav, m4a, flac, aac, amr, ape, ogg ...
          *     Video: mp4, mkv, wmv, flv, ts, avi ...
        ACRCloudRecognizer re = new ACRCloudRecognizer(config);

        // It will skip 80 seconds from the beginning of test.mp3.
        string result = re.RecognizeByFile("test.mp3", 80);

        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"test.mp3", FileMode.Open))
            using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(fs))
                byte[] datas = reader.ReadBytes((int)fs.Length);
                // It will skip 80 seconds from the beginning of datas.
                result = re.RecognizeByFileBuffer(datas, datas.Length, 80);               