
Thorchain Dashboard

Primary LanguageVue


Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ yarn install

Start Redis

# For instance
brew services start redis

Fetch cached data

$ yarn fetch

# or do it manually
$ DATA_SOURCE=api node scripts/saveApiResponses.mjs

Run the app

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3021
$ yarn develop

# or manually
$ DATA_SOURCE=cache PORT=3021 yarn dev

Environment variables

  • PORT: port to run the app on.
  • DATA_SOURCE: where to get data from (either "api" to request real sources or "cache" to use data stored in Redis).
  • CACHE_URL: url to query cached data from, defaults to 'http://localhost:3021'.
  • TESTNET_NODE_IP: node ip to be used for testnet api queries, defaults to ''.
  • CHAOSNET_NODE_IP: node ip to be used for chaosnet api queries, defaults to ' ''.
  • SENDGRID_API_KEY: Sendgrid's API key used to send error notification emails.
  • NOTIFICATION_MINUTE_TIME_INTERVAL: interval in minutes between notification emails (30 minutes by default).

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.