
An empty AngularJS starter pack. Stop dealing with boring stuff, start coding quickly.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple template including Gulp, JSPM, ES6 & AngularJS 1.4 to stop dealing with boring stuff and start coding quickly.


  1. Node.js


  1. Fork & clone this repos
  2. Go to the project directory
  3. npm install
  4. gulp serve
  5. Go to localhost:4000
  6. That's it, you're ready to code!

This template comes with

  • Gulp workflow
  • ES6 with on-the-fly transpilation (using Babel) in development
  • AngularJS 1.4 starter app
  • Bundling transpiled JS for prodution
  • JSPM
  • SASS

The AngularJS starter app works by default with

  • ui-router
  • lodash
  • angular-bootstrap
  • A ready to go config module to set all your env variables
  • A ready to go API service to handle API requests quickly & properly
  • A ready to go express server for production environment


Files organization & best-practices


Gulp tasks




ES6 syntax


config module

The src/app/config.js module is generated by a gulp task, do not update it because it will be erased each time you run gulp serve.

In order to use environment variables in your project, you need to create a .env.json file in the project root directory. Then, for each variable, you simply need to add it in gulp/config.js (there are already 3 variables used by the API service).

Gulp will create a CONFIG module for you AngularJS app and store all your environment variables as constants inside, then, you'll be able to use them like that:

  .module('myModule', [])
  .controller('MyController', [
    (CONFIG) => {
      const myApiUrl = `${CONFIG.API_URL}/${CONFIG.API_VERSION}`;

API service


In order to use the API service, you have to set your API url & version in a environment file.

  • First, in the project root directory, create a .env.json file (it's already added in the .gitignore).
  • Then, add an object with these two variables in the environment file:
   "API_URL": "http://localhost:3000",
   "API_VERSION": "v1"

That's it! The API service will find these variables thanks to the CONFIG module it takes in dependency and use it for all your API calls.


Add API as a dependency in all the modules you want to use it. 5 methods are available for this module, they represent the 5 HTTP methods for RESTful APIs.

  API.get('/url', {})
  API.post('/url', {})
  API.put('/url', {})
  API.patch('/url', {})

Each of these methods returns a promise with the resolved data. There is a full example:

  .module('myModule', [])
  .controller('MyModuleController', [
    class {
      constructor(API) {
        API.get('/users').then((res) => {

express server for production


Deploy to heroku



Anthony Mangiavellano mangiavellano.anthony@gmail.com.


WTFPL. http://www.wtfpl.net/