
MSSQL environment restore: internal server error (Status code 500) on creation of rulesets

Closed this issue · 15 comments

After a complete backup, I tried to restore a single MSSQL environment (as all our testing had been with oracle to date). I made the necessary edits to the base.Json file to contain only the one MSSQL environment as well as the correlating application.json file to add passwords for the connectors.

I ended up with an internal server error, status code 500 during creation of rule sets.

2018-05-01 12:35:29.600 [main] DEBUG com.delphix.masking.initializer.maskingApi.endpointCaller.ApiCallDriver - Response body: {"errorMessage":"Encountered internal server error, please see the logs for more details"}

2018-05-01 12:35:29.600 [main] ERROR com.delphix.masking.initializer.maskingApi.SetupDriver - Got status code: [500] with message [Encountered internal server error, please see the logs for more details] trying to hit URL: [http://myhostname.

Attached is a tail of the All.log file:
:8282/masking/api/table-metadata] [POST]

@slusardi01 can you provide the masking logs at the time of these calls?

Ben, When you are requesting Masking Logs, would these be the same logs generated on the virtualization engine for support logs ??

@slusardi01 yep! If you create a support bundle and then look in the masking/logs/AppLogs/ folder, those are the logs that I am talking about.

I will send you my email address privately so that you can send me those logs directly and don't have to post them publicly.

Okay. We have a disk issue at the moment that is impeding the creation of the logs. As soon as that is resolved, I could work on that.

@slusardi01, no problem. When you get the disk issue figured out, please send the logs to so we can take a look at the internal server error.

will do, thank you

I have the support bundle from the engine. I can not email as the file is > 34MB which hits our email threshold limitation. Do you have a location I can post/ftp the file to instead ? Additionally, I can not Putty to the masking engine to find the logs you seek in masking/logs/AppLogs. Sysadmin puts you into the CLI, and I do not have my own login so I can not sudo to delphix like we do on the VM targets. If there are other suggestions, please let me know. Thank you.

You should be able to unpack the support bundle, and then those logs should be in the masking folder of the support bundle. If that doesn't work we can have you upload the support bundle to the same way you would for a support case.

I was able to extract the log folder from the masking directory. Email is on its way.

@slusardi01 sorry for the delay.

Could you please resend that email to Our email filters were misconfigured so we did not receive the email.



Uploading support bundle from masking engine through Delphix support site.

I found the following in the masking logs at the time of the error noted above.

2018-05-01 16:35:29,600  [http-nio-8282-exec-21] ERROR c.dmsuite.common.utils.DBConnection - Error while getting sql server Connection Object
java.sql.SQLException: Login failed for user '<USER_NAME>'.
	at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.SQLDiagnostic.addDiagnostic(
	at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.TdsCore.tdsErrorToken(
	at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.TdsCore.nextToken(
	at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.TdsCore.login(
	at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.ConnectionJDBC2.<init>(
	at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.ConnectionJDBC3.<init>(
	at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver.connect(
	at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(

So it looks like it is failing to authenticate with your database.

Did you fill in the passwords for this backup file? See this section in the README for information on filling in the passwords. This section was accidentally removed from the README in a previous version, so this part of the restore process might have been overlooked.

Thank you Ben. My notes in the top of the ticket indicate connector files were edited for passwords. At least I know it's a connection issue now and have a place to start to further troubleshoot. Thank you.