
Server-side Application for NITTFEST

Primary LanguagePython


Server-Application for NITTFEST.




  • Fork and Clone the Repo
    git clone <YOUR_FORK_URL>
  • Add remote upstream
    git remote add upstream <MAIN_REPO_URL>
  • cd into the folder
     git config core.hooksPath .githooks
  • copy content of .env.example to .env
     cp .env.example .env
  • Setup the virtualenv
    • Create a virtualenv for this project.
       pipenv install
    • Activate virtualenv for this project.
       pipenv shell
    • Install dev dependencies
       pipenv install --dev
  • Docker
    • Build and Up the Docker Container.
      docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up --build
  • To Run Migrations
    • To make Migrations
      docker exec nittfest_server alembic revision --autogenerate -m <COMMIT_MESSAGE>
    • To run Migrations
      docker exec nittfest_server alembic upgrade head