
Nix expression for building elements in various configurations

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT


Nix expression for building elements in various configurations.

This document assumes you are familiar with elements and its testing infrastructure.

Basic Usage

Build elements without running tests.

[~/elements.nix]$ nix-build

Running Tests

Build elements and run the unit tests.

[~/elements.nix]$ nix-build  --arg doCheck true

Build elements and run both the unit tests and the functional tests.

[~/elements.nix]$ nix-build  --arg doFunctionalTests true


Build elements with coverage and run tests (both unit and functional) to produce the coverage analysis

[~/elements.nix]$ nix-build  --arg withCoverage true

Build the fuzzer binary for elements. This binary can be used to create qa-assets/fuzz_seed_corpus similar to what is found in qa-assets.

[~/elements.nix]$ nix-build  --arg withFuzz true

Build the fuzzer binary for elements and use the qa-assets to produce coverage analys

[~/elements.nix]$ nix-build  --arg withFuzz true --arg withCoverage

Advanced Usage

Suppose elements.nix is checked out into ~/elements.nix and elements is checked out into ~/elements.

If you have made some local changes to elements or have a specific branch checked out that you want to build.

[~/elements]$ nix-build ~/elements.nix --arg srcDir ./.

If you want to develop elements in its directory.

[~/elements]$ nix-shell ~/elements.nix
[nix-shell:~/elements>]$ autoreconfPhase    
[nix-shell:~/elements>]$ configurePhase    
[nix-shell:~/elements>]$ buildPhase    
[nix-shell:~/elements>]$ checkPhase

If you want to build your local elements version and test it with your local qa-assets version.

[~/elements]$ nix-build ~/elements.nix --arg srcDir ./. --arg qaAssetsDir ~/qa-assets --arg doFunctionalTests true

If you want to build your local elements version and test it with your local unit-tests data.

[~/elements]$ nix-build ~/elements.nix --arg srcDir ./. --arg unitTestDataDir ~/asset-gen --arg doFunctionalTests true