
Generate static website content

Primary LanguageRust


Generate static website content

There are many like it, but this one is mine


Usage: sitegen [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

          Possible values:
          - build: Build the site
          - clean: Remove previously built artifacts
          - serve: Start a development server and host the site locally

  -m, --mode <MODE>
          The mode to build the site in

          [default: development]

          Possible values:
          - development: Non-optimized build with devtools support
          - release:     Optimized build without any extra functionality

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version


This generator uses a pre-defined group of libraries to build content:

JavaScript isn't currently supported.


Most options are controlled via a configuration file. Create a file named config.toml in the root directory of your static site. The full config file is documented here. All options are required unless specified otherwise. Globbing is done by the glob crate; see there for options.

# The directory where built files should be placed
out_dir = "dist"
# Where to search for page definitions
page_pattern = "pages/**/*.handlebars"
# Where to search for post content
post_pattern = "posts/**/*.md"
# Where to search for Handlebar partial files
partials_pattern = "partials/**/*.handlebars"
# Where to search for scss files
style_pattern = "styles/**/*.scss"
# Optional. Additional patterns to copy into the output directory
copy = [ "images/*.png", "fonts" ]

# The command to use for starting a static web server
command = "http-server"
# Optional. Arguments to pass to `command`.
args = [ "--cwd", "dist", "--port", "8080" ]

# Paths to watch for changes when running `serve`
paths = [ "posts", "templates" ]


This tool can built your site in either development or release mode. This can be helpful for skipping drafts when publishing, or enabling extra features for local development builds that you don't want published.

Since the same build.out_dir is used regardless of build mode, an extra file is output named sitegen_meta.toml. It includes a mode key which will either be set to development or release. You can use this in your deployment scripts to avoid accidentally publishing a dev build.