
Streaming chart of values of five cryptocurrencies. JS/JQ/Chart.js <=> Spring Boot backend/DB <=> Cryptonator API

Primary LanguageJava

Live Demo on Heroku

This is a front end and server that uses the Cryptonator API to get information about five cryptocurrencies. The front end displays streaming (chart.js/moment.js) live updates of price and 24-hour trading volume for the selected currency/currencies. The backend periodically polls Cryptonator, using a scheduled thread, stores that data, and the front end uses periodic Ajax requests to access that data and update the chart.

Use Notes

  • The backend polls Cryptonator each minute for updates quotes for 5 cryptocurrencies
  • It serves a view at localhost:8080/
  • This view is a streaming chart of the value and 24-hour volume of some or all of the 5 cryptocurrencies; Cryptonator only updates every minute or two, so be patient
  • Because the backend is H2, it will not be populated initially, but if you open the webpage after it has been running for a few minutes or more, you will see data
  • You can turn the cryptos on and off via the buttons; the scales can be quite different, so this is very helpful
